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ToW 1.0 - Beastmen Brayherds

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I noticed the lack of Beastmen talk around here. Let’s fix that.

I was able to nab a BoC Vanguard box before they disappeared and while I’m not crazy about the plastic Dragon Ogres or Bestigors it’s a pretty good jumping off point. I’ve been tracking down metal models Ebay to flesh things out.


heres my first completed model.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Well I ended up buying an ungodly number* of Beasts of Chaos Vanguard boxes over the past week. Whilst they are sold out online, and are being resold on eBay for absurd money, it turns out bricks and mortar stores still have them fairly reliably. If I wanted to I could make a fair profit on eBay reselling them (particularly the Dragon Ogres), but I don't want to. I do have far too many Bray Shamans now, even with them being really powerful.

I read the Goonhammer article a few days ago, and thought the idea of a Gorebull in a unit of Ungors with Spears sounded pretty interesting. Cheap, frenzied two rank fighting can give you a lot of attacks. It's probably not good, but it's fun at least.

I do think that Gors are a bit overtuned at the moment though. They just seem superior to both Ungors and Bestigors in most situations.

*Four in the end 😮

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1 hour ago, JerekKruger said:

Well I ended up buying an ungodly number* of Beasts of Chaos Vanguard boxes over the past week. Whilst they are sold out online, and are being resold on eBay for absurd money, it turns out bricks and mortar stores still have them fairly reliably. If I wanted to I could make a fair profit on eBay reselling them (particularly the Dragon Ogres), but I don't want to. I do have far too many Bray Shamans now, even with them being really powerful.

I read the Goonhammer article a few days ago, and thought the idea of a Gorebull in a unit of Ungors with Spears sounded pretty interesting. Cheap, frenzied two rank fighting can give you a lot of attacks. It's probably not good, but it's fun at least.

I do think that Gors are a bit overtuned at the moment though. They just seem superior to both Ungors and Bestigors in most situations.

*Four in the end 😮

That’s a cool idea. I threw together a 1k list from the vanguard box, 10 more Gor and an extra hero. I was tempted to run all three dragon ogres as lone Shartaks.

I put the great bray shaman with 13 bestigor, Wargor with 19 gors, and 10 ungor with ambush and short bows.

Finding chariots and Minotaurs has been really hard but I did find some reasonably priced classic harpies


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1 hour ago, JerekKruger said:

What are your thoughts on GW's Ogroid Theridon minis as mino replacements? I really like them, apart from possibly their faces.

I thought about that too. And I feel the same, not crazy about their faces. They look good on square bases. 

I saw someone on Reddit who used the theridon bodies with the Minotaur heads and they looked amazing. Might be easier to track down the bits for heads but I haven’t had much luck.

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23 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

for any other’s I might just go for some awesome 3d sculpts

I mean, for people who are happy with 3D printing and/or buying off Etsy this is the obvious move. Raven Twin Miniatures have an excellent range of Beastmen which fit in very well with GW's Beastmen aesthetics. That said, for whatever reason I just kinda prefer working in plastic, so outside of cases where I have basically no other option, I'm inclined to try to find ways to make GW minis work (with kitbashing).

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4 hours ago, JerekKruger said:

I mean, for people who are happy with 3D printing and/or buying off Etsy this is the obvious move. Raven Twin Miniatures have an excellent range of Beastmen which fit in very well with GW's Beastmen aesthetics. That said, for whatever reason I just kinda prefer working in plastic, so outside of cases where I have basically no other option, I'm inclined to try to find ways to make GW minis work (with kitbashing).

I’ve purchased a resin model here and there from Etsy and have never been happy with the quality. I also find that people who make knock-off GW miniatures can’t help but over design them. I prefer GW miniatures partly because they share a coherent design language that may change over the years but still remains remarkably consistent on some key philosophies of design.

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17 minutes ago, Vomikron said:

I prefer GW miniatures partly because they share a coherent design language that may change over the years but still remains remarkably consistent on some key philosophies of design.

I have that too. It's very rare for me to find a non-GW mini that I think fits aesthetically with GW stuff, and my threshold for tolerating that is pretty low.

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As an aside, I've been pleasantly surprised with Beastmen plastics. I had assumed the Gors were the same ones that came in the 2003ish (the one with a mix of Gors and Ungors), but in fact it's from 2010 and is a CAD designed kit. This means the minis are lovely smooth plastic and mould lines are minimal, but also being an early CAD kit it's fairly modular and not overdesigned, so the minis are relatively simple. Kind of a perfect middle fur a relatively hordey army.

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