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Starting Death


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So I've just managed to nab, Nagash, a Mortarch and two boxes of Mortghasts all new in box for £75 on FB.

I can't see me using Nagash too often in games but cannot wait to get it built and painted.

What's the next best things to pick up? I'm thinking a couple of the Start Collecting boxes for two more Mortarchs so I can run Manfredd, Arkhan and Neferata in the same army. It'll also give me some Skellies and Cavalry but apart from that I don't have a scooby....




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You've made a great choice deciding to go with death!

As for what to go for there are so many options in death, even though we are basically just vampire counts now.  I would recommend going for a faction within death that appeals to you for whatever reason and pick up units that have synergies with each other.

Personally I started with Nagash and the three mortarches as loved the models then moved into having a selection from the rest of the death lords faction.  Added in some skeletons and dire wolves and called it done!

My next additions are probably going to be from the flesh eater courts as I love the models.

Your plan of two start collecting boxes sounds good, gives you a good variety of heroes to work with most lists. I'd suggest getting that lot built and painted up and see what you fancy.

Just make sure you post progress pics!

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Dang that's a good deal.


Spirit Hosts are amazing. They will outperform themselves every game. Blood Knights and Morghasts will be your primary punch next to your characters. Grave Guard are punchy, but fragile. Skeletons are excellent in true hordes (40+)with buffs, but will melt against real pressure without more troops.


Black Knights are terrible in combat, but excellent objective grabbers. Surprisingly tanky.

Necromancers are solid, but you'll want some things that it can buff around, otherwise go with the Vampire Lord.

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Malignants start collecting is a must imo. The spirits have always done far better than I give them credit for. Took a primarily malignant themed army to scgt with some bats etc for filler and punch. Looking to add some Blood Knights some harbingers and maybe a Mornghul to expand on it. Neferatas spell seems a lot more powerful than I first thought! So may have to add her also...

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Cheers guys, think all three Mortarchs will be built so I've got the choice.

I was considering the Malignants Start Collecting Set, seems like a good few units inside.

Off to Warhammer World in May so I was planning on picking up a Mornghul they look crazy.

What do people use for Blood Knights? Can't justify the huge price of them on the GW site.

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All of the Mortarchs are good. Arkhan just suffers from being less kill-murdery than Neferata and Mannfred.


I use blood knights. Love the models. Got them for 50% off during a sale though! Bret knights or Dragon Princes are a common substitute. If you go that route, a little converting wouldn't be amiss. I feel that unless you convert a little, you're really just proxying.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 18/05/2016 at 11:38 PM, Hampshire Hammerers said:

Dragon princes make great blood Knights - just do head swaps with ghouls & they look vampiric immediately!

Agreed, Dragon Princes are where I'd convert them from - but conversions are a must! I've seen DPs on the table used as BK with no conversion and it's a shame. :( 

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