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The Non-Painting Thread


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I shared a picture of what i was working on besides painting in the painting contract thread. But i didnt think it was really the right place. So in the spirit of sharing our progress and all the goodness we are working on besides painting am i opening this one. So please share your conversions, terrain, bases, tables, 3d printed models. I am curious to see what everybody is working on and the finished product of course. 

I was working on a base for Gordrakk so i can use him as a regular hero on foot. Magnetized the base and Mawkrusha for easy swapping between the two.


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  • 2 months later...

Cool thread. ill bite. 

First off I've been working on four custom banner bearers for my gutrippaz. its hard to be sneaky while carrying around a banner so thought I'd make them more like a totem. Plus these handsome lads "bring the swamp" so thought it'd help sell that idea as well. 


I've got my first almost completely done but I guess that's for a different thread. 

Second I've made three "covered in mud" markers. Once painted they'll be, well, covered... in mud.😄


Third is all my unit champs are getting custom bases in the forms of ruins. 

After painting and flocking I'll do a swampy resin pour. All of my kruleboyz are getting this but unit champs are special. 




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Carved some terrain out of packaging foam i found at work. Tried to cover it a bit with some kind of wall repair filler stuff to give it some texture. It didnt turn out that great but at least i could fill a table with cheap and easy terrain i spend less than 5 euros on..

Ill try and drybrush it a bit and use some moss etc to make it look more natural.


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Found some time to decorate a bit. Quite happy with the results as it was my first time trying to build something out of junk. This was mostly a learning experience and i would change a few things next time, but this is fine for now. First warcry terrain ready!


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35 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:


Looking pretty good on this end on the internets. 

What would you have done differently?

It think i would use less flock stuff. I just tried out different spots because i didnt really know what i was doing. But i think i kind of figured out what looks good about half way through. I would have also liked to use more colours of plants but this is what i own at the moment.

Dont know if i should add some trees.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

55 custom swamp bases ready for bog ninjas!!

still need to add some moss to a few unit champion ruins bases but otherwise done. 

this was my first time doing a resin water effect. 20230320_180236.jpg.d0807586c63693621f8cabb8020f8639.jpg




Pro tip for anyone dabbling in resin water pours. Put the flock that you want to remain dry on after the pour. Heh. On a few the land flock caught just a tip of resin and preceded to sponge it up until all was covered. I may redo a few of these. 


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Update on these... 😒

Something went wrong with my 2nd layer of resin. I may have mixed up the ratio or something else but two days and still has not cured... Baaaah! So much time and materials lost. There are a few that are salvageable but for the majority I've got to strip them back down to miliput levels and start at that step. 


Son of a beach front property!!!

Ugh... Live and learn. I could be upset (spoiler, I am) or I can just suck it up and do better. Maybe I'll add some sticks or cattails this time around. 

So much work lost. 

Well by the time I get this army done they'll have been updated with better rules. 😄😕😄🤣🤪🤯


Ever have those periods of life that wont stop kicking you right in the plums?... 

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@Gitzdee Only conclusion I've come to is that I didn't mix the ratio correctly on the 2nd pour. The first dark layer came out perfect and hard as a rock. 

The silver lining here (about the only one 😄) is that I now know to add the tufts on land that I want to stay dry after my pour. And also I'll be able to add some new bits like possibly sticks, cattails, moss at the edge where water meets land, etc. 

It should all go faster as well as I've got a system. 

It's just the doing it all over again part and ordering materials again. 


Edit: Luckily I enjoy the aesthetic of these guys so much that I'm willing to make it right. I better win an army on parade or something. 😁🤘

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  • 2 weeks later...

Technically somewhat paint-related, but I bought some Mordant Earth recently since I was thinking of making volcanic bases for my next idea of Sun-Eater worshiping Kruleboyz. I must say, it works quite well for how little effort it really is.


This was earlier today, in the meantime the larger mounds have cracked more as well. I can highly recommend it.

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Next step has been trying to sculpt flames on the Killaboss' weapons. Any tips appreciated. I also want to turn the flail into a flaming censer by cutting some parts out the middle and sculpting flames into it. The spiked helmet I'm trying to make it look like it's got candles.




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So I added some flames to turn the flail into a flaming censer as well, maybe it needs some smaller flames though in addition, not sure. I also finished the dribbly candles on the helmet. Last step I was thinking of was to make the skin look a bit like molten candlewax, inspired by the Fanatics in Darkest Dungeon 2. I could try for the same dribbly effect with some GS, or maybe make the skin a bit more flabby or something. I'm not entirely sure how to go about it, so any tips are very welcome.




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