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Donal's Mixed List - 15 Brutes or 6 Ironguts


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1 minute ago, Soulsmith said:

I think you're right. Off the top of my head does the moonclan get synergy with the shaman or the other way around? Otherwise why not a grot shaman on wolf?

Honestly, hadnt thought about it... Think it actually would work better in the list.

Only problem is that it is 20 points more so would need to find another 10 points from somewhere (most likely drop a fanatic?)

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15 brutes are going to do some serious damage, I am not a mathhammer brained individual so I can't work it out right now. Ironguts certainly aren't to be sniffed at but you're losing their bonus rule in your list. At the same time, getting 15 brutes in range will be difficult, so you're probably getting more reliable damage from ironguts, but brutes convey the special weapon bonuses, not to mention smashing keyword monster. Shame you can't squeeze ina warchanter if you're going that route.

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1 hour ago, Soulsmith said:

15 brutes are going to do some serious damage, I am not a mathhammer brained individual so I can't work it out right now. Ironguts certainly aren't to be sniffed at but you're losing their bonus rule in your list. At the same time, getting 15 brutes in range will be difficult, so you're probably getting more reliable damage from ironguts, but brutes convey the special weapon bonuses, not to mention smashing keyword monster. Shame you can't squeeze ina warchanter if you're going that route.

Having the Brute Boss as your general (with bellowing tyrant) negates the need for a warchanter. The big bonus here is that bellowing tyrant buff continues into your opponents turn, whereas the warchanter buff is only your turn.

I run a group of 10 brutes in my mixed destruction army (contains a stonehorn and 2 thundertusks). People very often find they can only deal with one or the other, and struggle to deal with both.

Some very quick mathhammer says that if they all hit, wound and cause the enemy to fail their save rolls then the ironguts will be pumping out 57 wounds a round, the brutes will be pumping out 52 wounds (fairly sure my math is correct here). so not a huge amount of difference then.

Ironguts come with an extra wound each, better movement, better bravery (but brutes with a general will auto inspiring presence themselves), and the musician and banner.

Brutes would have more models for objective taking, lower hit rolls, rerolls against monsters, and I think are the better looking models! :)

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4 hours ago, Caffran101 said:

Brutes would have more models for objective taking...and I think are the better looking models! :)

I think this is the winning point. I currently have the ironguts models, so will paint them up first (january = $$$), but think i will evolve the list to 10 brutes. 

Means i have 90 points left over in the list. tempted to drop the shaman and pick up a megaboss. have been inspired by the recent black sun episodes and want to add some Ironjawz to the army.

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I thoroughly enjoyed putting my brutes together. So much variety with weapons and poses. 10 can also take up a huge amount of board space, and look very intimidating.

A megaboss near the brutes means they get to reroll hits of 1 (good against non monsters).


I went for a couple of Moonclan shamans. They give a cheap mystic shield, but also their unique spell is pretty nice.

Also get to each mushrooms to make casting easier!

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