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Kurnoth Hunters' weapon options


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It seems that, of the three weapon options that Kurnoth Hunters have available to them, bows are proving the most popular, usually in gun line style armies. My issue with the bows though is that they only hit of 4+ meaning they miss half the shots they fire. I realise this argument can be destroyed by including a Celestial Hurricanum in the list, but what if you want to maintain Sylvaneth Allegiance?  In comparison to the bows, the swords and scythes hit on 3+ and the champion on 2+. It feels like there should be an argument for these weapons, despite the fact that they can only dish out hurt in combat.

In my head, the lack of range for the combat weapons is made up for by the ability to either emerge from or teleport through the woods.

So the question is, are the bows really the most powerful option for Hunters or has anyone else felt, as I do, that there is a place for the swords and scythes?

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I went through the painstaking process of magnetising them (including shoulder pads, as there aren't enough to go around) and honestly after trying out all three I am quite underwhelmed by the bows. I did a little reading before I decided to magnetise and found the same as the OP, in that more people seemed to be running bows but after several games with each I find the swords seem to average out with the most damage per game. Hitting on 4's with 4 of your 6 attacks a turn means you'll only be scoring 3-4 hits, perhaps 2-3 wounds and with 1-2 saves you're only scoring a couple of d3 damages, which can then of course only result in a wound a piece. I haven't yet had the chance to run them with the Hurricanum (whichFYI OPyou can use and keep allegiance with both Gnarlroot and Winterleaf batallions) but I imagine this (320 point buff) will swing things massively in their favour but as it stands I don't think there is many units that can stand up to a hit from the greatswords, which, at 4/+3/+3/2, basically make each Kurnoth Hunter a better than average hero. 

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If you want to use bows and want order boosters and want sylvaneth allegiance have you considered using the battalion battalions as winterleaf would give you 0-1 order units for your hurricanum or gnarlroot would give 0-1 order wizard.

Just a though

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You have a few options to make the bows hit better. 

1: Take the Gnarlroot Wargrove and take a Hurricanum with Battlemage (It's a Wizard)
2: Take the Gnarlroot Wargrove and have a wizard with Regrowth. Park the Bow Hunters on Damned Terrain and sacrifice wounds to gain +1 to hit. 

  • Heal them back with Regrowth
  • If a model dies as a result, return the model with Gnarlroot's Verdurous Harmony spell. 
  • Since all this happens in the hero phase, you should take the damned mortal wounds first and then react with a healing spell. 

Here's my list:

Battlemage (100) - Lifesurge
Branchwraith (100) - Regrowth
- Artefact: Acorn of the Ages 
Branchwych (100) - Unleash Spites - Throne of Vines
- Artefact: The Silverwood Circlet 
Treelord Ancient (300) - Awakening of the wood. The Reaping.
- General
- Trait: Gnarled Warrior 
- Artefact: Briarsheath 

Dryads x 20 (240)
Dryads x 10 (120)
Tree-Revenants x 10 (200)
Kurnoth Hunters x 3 (180) - Scythes
Kurnoth Hunters x 3 (180) - Scythes
Kurnoth Hunters x 3 (180) - Bows
Kurnoth Hunters x 3 (180) - Bows

Household (20)
Gnarlroot Wargrove (80)

Total: 1980/2000

It's monstrously good. And with the damage from Awakening of the Wood, Roused by Magic, Unleash Spites + Throne of Vines and the odd Arcane Bolt shooting is really secondary. Use it to clear off backfield units or to soften them up for a charge from the Tree Revenants. 

Scythes on the other hand are a thing of beauty! The -2 Rend is such an asset as it limits the amount of saves you have to worry about. And if you drop roots in a prolonged combat the 2" reach makes it easier to get attacks off every model. 

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Legal or not, there's something that makes me feel a bit dirty about taking a Hurricanum whilst keeping Sylvaneth allegiance. I'd possibly stretch to a normal battlemage but sticking a mechanical looking thing in the middle  of an army of trees seems... Wrong. 

Having said that, I'm certainly not criticising anyone for doing it and I'm really hoping we see some awesome conversions as this becomes a bit of a power combo.

The reason I asked the question is because of the list I'm planning to take to an upcoming event. So just to reveal my hand two weeks before a tournament (A Gathering of Might, 8th & 9th Oct), this is my current list:


Treelord Ancient

10 Dryads

10 Dryads

10 Dryads

3 Hunters w/ scythes

3 Hunters w/ scythes

3 Hunters w/ swords

3 Hunters w/ swords

The Treelord takes Oaken armour giving him a 2+ save and uses his command ability to allow everything within 10" to reroll 1 to save (effectively giving him and Alarielle a 2+ reroll save after mystic shield). The event allows the summoning of Balewind vortexes so Alarielle can blast stuff with metamorphosis from thirty-odd inches. The Dryads deploy in the enclaves and the hunters spread out to see where they are needed. When required, stuff either emerges or teleports through Wyldwoods to either smash stuff or claim objectives... That's the plan anyway.

Can't decide whether it's a decent list that should do well or more of a fluffy themed army with a few tricks... And that's a really round about way of asking - do you think bows would be better in this list (I.e. With no Hurricanum or similar buff)?

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I for one like the bows in an all Sylvaneth force. I want the enemy to engage me while i am in the wyldwoods, so the more shooting I have the more inclined they are to attack me. I need to be able to out shoot the enemy so they come to me.

Lets be honest, 20 dryads in a wyldwood with my treelord ancient right behind them and 3 or 6 hunters with bows is very difficult for any enemy to crack. Most enemies will just not engage me if I dont have the shooting. they will sit back and shoot/spell me to death.

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