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My Hedonites force is finished at last! (7500+ points)


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Like so many places across the span of the Mortal Realms, the Rustplains of Chamon were once home to a multitude of proud and mighty civilizations, bending the metallic elements of their home to their whims through arcane study or force of will, but many such places were brought to ruin during the eternities of the Age of Chaos, an unstoppable spell-plague swept the region, reducing the metal wonders of the peoples dwelling there to naught but twisted, rusting scrap.  In these times the entire continent is a sprawling wasteland of wind-blown rust dunes, the descendants of those forgotten kingdoms picking through the scraps and ruins of their ancestor's crumbling palaces for the merest chance of survival.  At least, that is how things were before the coming of the Host of Contemplations, robed in fine silks and finer smiles, bringing glittering gifts of daemon-gold and otherworldy metals unaffected by the rusting plague, promising a bewitching return to former glory to the scattered, wretched tribes out on the iron deserts, all one had to do, after all, was clutch a sliver of The Prince's gold to one's chest and contemplate oneself....


Voila, it's taken a little while but I'm finally done painting Slaanesh stuff!  (I actually thought I was done months ago, but then they went and blindsided me with a whole bunch more awesome mortal sculpts...)  I started this collection just before the first AoS Hedonites book came out, but I never actually managed to get many games in with it due to COVID lockdowns and stuff, and the new book is, ahem, well, it is what it is, luckily the models are, as we all know, quite stunning, and a joy to paint, though I can't say I won't miss straining to pick out tiny fiddly details!

I've got almost every warscroll represented (Sorry, Slaangor, even for me there's a limit to how bad the rules to sculpt ratio can swing before you get a spot on my painting desk) and I tried to really push myself with my painting for this army, trying non-metallic metals for the first time, attempting to go a bit further than the usual base - wash - highlight, overall I'm very pleased with how most everything came out!














I don't wanna just dump tonnes of pics, so if anyone wants to see more detailed shots of a particular model or whatever I can probably find one.


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Thank you very much!

Only one of the chariots is converted, the other two are stock builds, just with a couple of magnets so they can be swapped between the hero and non-hero version if needed.  I was using the old Sigvald model as a herald even before the new one came out!


The converted one is generally used as a second Exalted Chariot, though I deliberately built it so it kinda looks like a Hellflayer too, in case I ever want to run one of those.  I don't really like having or painting two of the same model/unit in a collection, especially not for standalone/hero units, so I made the second exalted chariot to look different from the first so I can more easily differentiate, say, which one is the general, or has an artefact, or is in X battalion, etc.  I also especially dislike how the actual exalted chariot build overhangs its base in almost every direction, so I wanted to make something that actually fit on its base whilst still looking the part.





Now, I did build this a fair while ago so I don't remember the exact process, but with all of the Slaanesh chariots I'll build the chassis first and leave all of the blade-wheels to be painted separately, still on the sprue, and then assemble it all once its painted, otherwise it gets way too fiddly.  In this case the rear chassis is basically the same as the normal exalted chariot, but then I believe the front axel is split into three, using one of the spare yokes from another chariot kit, to make a kind of fork shape.  Once I was satisfied the chassis was sturdy enough I just made a little pile of all the available blades and spiky bits I had to hand and stuck them on symmetrically wherever they'd slot in.

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