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Airbrush Setup Assistance


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Hey guys! I'm thinking of getting an airbrush to help speed up painting. I think every army I have, which is all of them, could be painted faster with a one shot coat of paint, and I'm tired of needing perfect weather to use rattle cans. So I need some advice before purchasing.

1. I'm looking for something that I can beat the ****** out of. Not literally, but one that is cheap, durable, and doesn't need to be handled delicately.

2. I live in an apartment, so I need something to contain the excess spray. However, I'd like it to be a pre-built set-up. Something that doesn't require a trip to the hardware store or lumber yard to set up.


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I love the Badger Sotar 20/20. It's a work horse, and you can do well with base coating and fine lines. You can get one for about $90 on Amazon.

You want one of these lil guys http://www.hobbyzone.pl/en/modelling-accessories/91-airbrush-station.html I've already got an airbrushing station and almost bought it anyway.

I'd get a mask if you are going to be using this, though it's not poisonous it's acrylic paint really. Just don't spray windex through it :)

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You're going to need to at least be a bit careful with an airbrush - regardless of what you get they all have nozzles and needles that break with rough treatment :)  Badger isn't a bad shout if you're only looking to do base coating with it.

I don't use any type of extraction at all - I've a corner desk in a room with a cutting mat on (which I cover with greaseproof paper or blueroll/kitchen towel) and rarely open a window.  Acrylic paint atomises well so any overspray beyond the covering wipes off.  However if you do want something I'd suggest something like this: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/like/400424035279?lpid=122&chn=ps&googleloc=9045604&poi=&campaignid=620800750&device=c&adgroupid=27378723426&rlsatarget=aud-133395220866%3Apla-181480818546&adtype=pla&crdt=0

It would require "assembly" but it's no more complex than a model ;)

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