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Issue: AoS App and White Dwarf Magazine

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Hello there,

a few days ago I lost all my White Dwarf Magazines on the Azyr App. They're no longer purchasable in the Store of the App, the customer service remains unresponsive and reinstalling the App and restoring all purchases didn't work either.

Did I miss something? Were white dwarves somehow removed or moved to another app?
Some help would be great!


Edited by JackStreicher
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On 3/22/2021 at 2:36 PM, JackStreicher said:

Hello there,

a few days ago I lost all my White Dwarf Magazines on the Azyr App. They're no longer purchasable in the Store of the App, the customer service remains unresponsive and reinstalling the App and restoring all purchases didn't work either.

Did I miss something? Were white dwarves somehow removed or moved to another app?
Some help would be great!


to toss gas on that fire, I lost mine when i updated my phone and restored the apps.  GW didn't even respond and because Apple said the purchases were over 90 days they couldn't reverse them.   This was literally the only app that didn't restore with full purchases (I guess GW doesn't use Apple's native restoring?)  

A few years ago I had lost some battalions I had purchased long ago but it was Lacillions Horde and such and it was getting harder and harder to play them so I didn't care and didn't think much.  However this most recent time was GHB 2019.

Needless to say it's the last time I'll pay anything for digital from GW.  They are ****** up their foray into digital in such a bad manner it makes me wonder if they gave Kirby the digital division.

Sorry to hear you're out of luck, having been there I've found there was no hope or luck or avenue to pursue.  

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needles to say: I want my money back. That‘s what I responded as well. Let‘s see what they‘ll answer. (They BTW just dodged the issue I had described)

Depending on their answer I‘ll get my Rules somewhere else. This is outrageous.

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2 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:


needles to say: I want my money back. That‘s what I responded as well. Let‘s see what they‘ll answer. (They BTW just dodged the issue I had described)

Depending on their answer I‘ll get my Rules somewhere else. This is outrageous.

wow you actually got a response!!?!?!


I got ignored.  I should try again.  


I don't condone pirating GW rules but you can see why people do it when they do stuff like this.  


The physical product itself to them is meaningless (what, half a cents of plastic maybe? plus shipping cost) they should have just offered something in return.  

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