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Convergences if starting with Catacombs


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If you only own the Catacombs sit and were playing a campaign, does the Catacombs set have it's own campaign with new convergences, or would you need the original terrain to actually play the original convergences? 

I understand that the Warcry rules are one of the better sets from GW but don't want to get locked into a purchase and then finding out that you can't play half the game with what you have in the box without buying more stuff on top to round out what's missing between the original starter and this one. 

Any help gratefully received. 

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That's true if you play the warbands + quests from the Catacombs book.

All the other warbands terrain cards use the terrain from the original set AFAIK.

Personally I would just try and subtitute other stuff (like Azyrite ruins, etc) or just make your own terrain that tries to fit the theme of the encounter as best as possible. 
I don't feel like Warcry campaigns (or perhaps Warcry in general) are things that should be taken super seriously anyway, so just make it up as you go if you don't have access to the proper terrain.

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