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Slann The Man


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I am a new seraphon player. I have a question regarding slann(s).

Im planning to run both a regular slann and a lord kroak. In the battletome it says I can sacrifice a spell to roll a d3 summoning points for my slanns. Can I sacrifice multiple spells pr. slann or only 1 per. Slann ? 

Best regards

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Well technically you can get more. You get d3 for having Slann or starseer general, d3 for astrolith, and then you get d3 per Slann or oracle if you choose to not cast. Theoretically you could get as many d3 as you include oracles and Slann, but oracles are I think the worst warscroll in the book, and Slann have diminishing returns due to not being able to cast spells more than once and needing body guards to not get sniped off the board.

And even if you go all in, you could roll all ones on your d3 and summon a mighty unit of 10 skinks for your troubles (womp womp).

So basically, the idea is to not build your army around summoning any powerful units. You should include your core that you are building around, and just use summoning to fill out the chaff and objective grabbing ranks as the game goes on.  Seraphon are now much more about command ability upgrades during battle and spell casting. 

Personally I really like that summoning was hard nerfed.  I find list building and playing the army to be much more interesting now.

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6 hours ago, SoSoCho said:

Damn :( so only 4x d3 pr. Round ? (1x slann, 1x kroak, 1x general(kroak) and 1x astrolith).

Is thay correct understood ?

Best regards

This is about as realistic as it gets without nerfing your list too hard. Slann general + Kroak + Astrolith is a very real Starborne list tbh. Getting 8 CCP average per turn doesnt sound too shabby. 

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52 minutes ago, Kasper said:

This is about as realistic as it gets without nerfing your list too hard. Slann general + Kroak + Astrolith is a very real Starborne list tbh. Getting 8 CCP average per turn doesnt sound too shabby. 

Would you run kroak or reg. Slann as general ? 

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1 hour ago, SoSoCho said:

Would you run kroak or reg. Slann as general ? 

You lose out on a command trait if Kroak is the general, zero gains. 

The forced trait in Dracothion’s Tail is pretty decent, otherwise Im a fan of Arcane Might which lets you reroll a cast/unbind in case you roll poorly. 

With both of them the Slann is kinda of a support piece, so I would grab the Celestial Equilibrium spell that gives every other Seraphon caster +1. With Arcane Might and +2 to cast on him (Astrolith) you should pretty reliably buff Kroak up to be +4 to cast. 

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4 hours ago, AaronWilson said:

I tend to find that 3d3 per turn is enough, by turn 2 you generally have enough to summon 2x 10 skinks which another tier of screening, which is just fantastic.

If you roll perfectly average, yeah. I like some leeway in case RNG doesnt favor me that specific game. 

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