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Making Dark Elves work in cities


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So, I have been playing a lot of dark elf’s in  TW: Warhammer 2, and as always I like to tie my army ideas back to AOS. My problem is, I have no clue on how to make dark Elves work. I feel the dread lord on black dragon is cool but he just seems so underwhelming, and I would like to have a Killy hero that compliments my forces and fits with the theme. 


Anyone had had any success with an all dark elf force in any city?

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1 hour ago, Acid_Nine said:

So, I have been playing a lot of dark elf’s in  TW: Warhammer 2, and as always I like to tie my army ideas back to AOS. My problem is, I have no clue on how to make dark Elves work. I feel the dread lord on black dragon is cool but he just seems so underwhelming, and I would like to have a Killy hero that compliments my forces and fits with the theme. 


Anyone had had any success with an all dark elf force in any city?

Struggling with the same thing. Our city feels like a trap. So looking at other. Dreadlord in black dragon (lance) without artefacts or traits does against a 4+ save  

So in living city and with his crossbow option you can get a reliable turn one charge. Which you could buff with a trait (iron oak artisan perhaps) and an artefact. Which is a 300 pts assassin. But it will get up there if you combine the right stuff. And then you have 1700 pts left. 

but I have to admit tempest eye looks most likely to me as well. The aura of glory for the much needed extra attacks, run and shoot with big blocks of dark shards. 

Looking at our strengths I would say the three stand outs are the sorceress with her inherent + to cast abilities, dark shards for just massive amounts of shots and for some reason big cheap units. 

so maybe a magic heavy list? Focus on objective scoring, big endless spells, weight of dice from the dark shards. Maybe big unit of executioners with aura of glory to go for sixes (although I still find it narratively so unacceptable how their warscroll compares with the great swords)

but honestly I can’t figure it out either. These are just some thoughts rattling around up there)

Edited by Kramer
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This is a possible list with only Dark Elves. 


++ **Pitched Battle** 2,000 (Order - Cities of Sigmar) [1,990pts] ++

+ Leader +

Dreadlord on Black Dragon [300pts]: 1. Patrician’s Helm, Lance of Spite and Tyrant Shield

Dreadlord on Black Dragon [300pts]: Lance of Spite and Tyrant Shield

Sorceress [90pts]: 1. Aura of Glory, 2. Hawk-eyed, General

Sorceress [90pts]: 3. Celestial Visions, General's Adjunct

+ Behemoth +

War Hydra [170pts]

+ Battleline +

Black Guard [420pts]: 3x 10 Black Guard

Darkshards [300pts]: 3x 10 Darkshards

Dreadspears [90pts]: 10 Dreadspears, Honoured Retinue

+ Other +

Scourgerunner Chariots [150pts]: 3x Scourgerunner Chariot

+ Allegiance +

. Allegiance: Cities of Sigmar: Tempest's Eye

+ Game Options +

Game Type: 2000 Points - Battlehost

+ Realm of Origin +

Realm of Origin: Origin: Aqshy

+ Malign Sorcery +

Endless Spell: Soulscream Bridge [80pts]

++ Total: [1,990pts] ++

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But i would prefer to pick a celestial hurricanum with battlemage and a Knight-Azyros for even more support. In every case this list ist pretty old-school Druuchi-Stuff ;)

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I had a mixed list with DE I posted up back in mid-October:


Allegiance: Cities of Sigmar
- City: Tempest's Eye
Mortal Realm: Aqshy

Freeguild General on Griffon (320)
- General
- Shield & Runesword
- Trait: Swift as the Wind
- Artefact: Ignax's Scales
Celestial Hurricanum With Celestial Battlemage (280)
- Spell: Lore of Eagles - Aura of Glory (Tempest's Eye Wizard)
Sorceress (90)
- Artefact: Seerstone Amulet
- Spell: Lore of Eagles - Celestial Visions (Tempest's Eye Wizard)
Battlemage (90)
- Spell: Lore of Eagles - Aura of Glory (Tempest's Eye Wizard)
- Mortal Realm: Ghur

5 x Freeguild Pistoliers (100)
5 x Freeguild Pistoliers (100)
5 x Freeguild Pistoliers (100)
40 x Darkshards (400)

30 x Executioners (330)

Aetherguard Windrunners (120)

Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
Extra Command Point (50)

Total: 1980 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 2
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 134

The idea was that the Darkshard and Executioner (or Black Guard being the better option, but 30 Executioners mathed out better than 20 Black Guard which was all I could bring in their place) units would be the hammers and buff-stacking would allow them to easily make a T1 Charge\Shoot a unit off the table. Of course you could easily change this up to be more DE themed and this post is really just me getting at TE is being a great choice for them with the Sorceress CA + Ghur Battlemage + TE extra movement 😉

In the end I settled for 3x10 Pistoliers and 30 PG after speaking with Tom Lyons and hashing out some ideas, but the above definitely has legs with some modification.

Edited by Gwendar
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Black Guards are Battleline If your General is Sorceress, so they are your foodsoldiers ^^

Dreadspears or Bleackswords aren't that great in Big Blogs compared to other troops. 10 Dreadspears are good to Feed your Sorceress for better casting.

The Dreadlord in Dragon isn't that Bad. They are absolutely OK. And the point ist, they are cheap. You can buff both of them with their Command Ability.

Edited by Greed
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17 hours ago, Greed said:

Black Guards are Battleline If your General is Sorceress, so they are your foodsoldiers ^^

Dreadspears or Bleackswords aren't that great in Big Blogs compared to other troops. 10 Dreadspears are good to Feed your Sorceress for better casting.

The Dreadlord in Dragon isn't that Bad. They are absolutely OK. And the point ist, they are cheap. You can buff both of them with their Command Ability.

Fair enough! Guess I shouldn’t think it is like warhammer fantasy.


would you think your list would do well in a hammerhall list?

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I didn't try to make Hammerhal list. Tenpest-Eye is the most competetive City i think.

Personally i play Anvilguard 😅 because i like the fluff and it can support your Dragons pretty much.


This are my two favoured lists:

++ **Pitched Battle** 2,000 (Order - Cities of Sigmar) [1,990pts] ++

+ Leader +

Battlemage [90pts]: 3. Vitriolic Spray, 4. Ignax's Scales, General's Adjunct, Ghur

Dreadlord on Black Dragon [300pts]: 2. Jutting Bones, 2. Venomfang Blade, Exile Blade and Tyrant Shield

Sorceress [90pts]: 1. Blackfang Crimelord, 1. Drakescale Cloak, 2. Shadow Daggers, General

+ Battleline +

Darkshards [200pts]: 2x 10 Darkshards, Hornblower, Standard Bearer

Executioners [330pts]: 3x 10 Executioners, Drummers, Standard Bearer

War Hydra [170pts]: 1. Acidic Blood

+ Battalion +

Battalion: Charrwind Beasthunters [740pts]
. Black Ark Corsairs: 10 Black Ark Corsairs, Honoured Retinue, Hornblower, Standard Bearer, Wicked Cutlass
. Black Ark Corsairs: 10 Black Ark Corsairs, Hornblower, Standard Bearer, Wicked Cutlass
. Black Ark Corsairs: 10 Black Ark Corsairs, Hornblower, Repeater Handbow, Standard Bearer
. Black Ark Fleetmaster
. Kharibdyss
. Scourgerunner Chariots: 3x Scourgerunner Chariot

+ Allegiance +

. Allegiance: Cities of Sigmar: Anvilgard

+ Game Options +

Game Type: 2000 Points - Battlehost

+ Realm of Origin +

Realm of Origin: Origin: Aqshy

+ Malign Sorcery +

Endless Spell: Umbral Spellportal [70pts]

++ Total: [1,990pts] ++

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++ **Pitched Battle** 2,000 (Order - Cities of Sigmar) [1,980pts] ++

+ Leader +

Dreadlord on Black Dragon [300pts]: 1. Acidic Blood, 3. Asphyxica Censer, Exile Blade and Tyrant Shield

Dreadlord on Black Dragon [300pts]: 2. Jutting Bones, 2. Venomfang Blade, Pair of Exile Blades

Sorceress [90pts]: 1. Blackfang Crimelord, 2. Shadow Daggers, General

Sorceress [90pts]: 3. Vitriolic Spray, General's Adjunct

+ Battleline +

Black Guard [280pts]: 2x 10 Black Guard

Darkshards [200pts]: 2x 10 Darkshards, Honoured Retinue

Executioners [330pts]: 3x 10 Executioners, Drummers, Standard Bearer

War Hydra [170pts]

+ Other +

Scourgerunner Chariots [150pts]: 3x Scourgerunner Chariot

+ Allegiance +

. Allegiance: Cities of Sigmar: Anvilgard

+ Game Options +

Game Type: 2000 Points - Battlehost

+ Realm of Origin +

Realm of Origin: Origin: Aqshy

+ Malign Sorcery +

Endless Spell: Umbral Spellportal [70pts]

++ Total: [1,980pts] ++

Created with BattleScribe

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fair enough, but I personally really like the lore of hammerhal and the relics, so I may personally try it out one day. But those lists look pretty brutal all things considered. Anvilguard really boosts the dragon’s damage output more than survivability, and that umbrel spell portal just seems like it fits perfectly in with our short ranged spells. If I ever get into anvilguard I think I would be running something more like that, but for now this is the only list I could think of when considering dark elves.



Allegiance: Cities of Sigmar
- Mortal Realm: Ghyran - City: Hammerhal
Dreadlord on Black Dragon (300)
- Lance of Spite & Shield
- Artefact : The Twinstone

Dreadlord on Black Dragon (300)
- Lance of Spite & Shield

Sorceress (90)
- General
- Command Trait : Blood of the Twelve
- Spell : Lore of Cinder - Wings of Fire (Hammerhal Wizard)

Sorceress (90)
- Spell : Lore of Cinder - Cindercloud (Hammerhal Wizard) - City Role : General's Adjutant (Must be 6 wounds or less)

30 x Black Guard (420)
30 x Black Guard (420)
20 x Darkshards (200)
10 x Darkshards (100)
Prismatic Palisade (30)




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