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1000 Point Tournament Scene


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I recently registered for my first AoS tournament at Adepticon 2020. It's a 1000 pts vanguard rules 4-player team tournament.

I'm looking to sit down and start the process of creating a list to start painting/practicing, however I don't even know where to start when it comes to putting together a well-rounded 1000 pt list. 

I tried searching, but there doesn't seem to be much chatter online about 1000 point games and couldn't find recent tournament lists. Anyone have pointers, tips, advice, or resources for vanguard games? 


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There was a team tournament recently featured on the honest wargamer (crimbobo or something).

basically a bit more laidback from what I heard in the podcast. Didn’t watch the video coverage but it’s there on his channel. 

for what it’s worth my advice would be. Decide what armies you and your opponent would want to play and see if you can either double down on a similar strength or see if you can find some strengths that compensates the others weaknesses. 
so double down could be Big filthy Slaanesh with gristlegore. Or bit more fun beastclaw monsters with (double) mawcrusha. 

or the other concept could be beastclaw monsters backed by lots of grots for magical support and zone control. 

or in order stormcast that drops in on objectives for early points and delaying the opponent while a cities lists is their ranged (magical) support and delivers the numbers to contest. 

hope this helps

what army will you like to play? 

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I am really hoping there is at least one team at Adepticon made of the following players:

  • Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle, and Slaanesh
  • Daughters, Idoneth, Sylvaneth, and Cities (mostly Dark Elves and Wanderers)
  • Four Cities (Each a different one)
  • Ironjawz, Bonesplitterz, Gloomspite, and Ogor Mawtribes
  • Legion of Nagash, Ossiarch Bonereapers, Nighthaunt, and Flesh Eater Courts
  • ^^^ But lists include Nagash, Katakros, and Lady Olynder
  • The first item, but it's via the Beasts of Chaos Battalions
  • Stormcast, any of Daughters/Idoneth/Sylvaneth, any of Fyreslayers/Kharadron, and Cities of Sigmar (may the realms of Human, Elf, and Dwarf unite)
  • The Defunct Bunch: High Elves, Bretonnia, Tomb Kings, and Seraphon (Because everyone was 100% certain Lizardmen were gone at the start of AoS)

And, of course, the greatest of team combinations:

  • Clans Pestilens, Clans Moulder, Clans Eshin, and Clans Skryre
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23 hours ago, Fairbanks said:

I am really hoping there is at least one team at Adepticon made of the following players:

  • Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle, and Slaanesh
  • Daughters, Idoneth, Sylvaneth, and Cities (mostly Dark Elves and Wanderers)
  • Four Cities (Each a different one)
  • Ironjawz, Bonesplitterz, Gloomspite, and Ogor Mawtribes
  • Legion of Nagash, Ossiarch Bonereapers, Nighthaunt, and Flesh Eater Courts
  • ^^^ But lists include Nagash, Katakros, and Lady Olynder
  • The first item, but it's via the Beasts of Chaos Battalions
  • Stormcast, any of Daughters/Idoneth/Sylvaneth, any of Fyreslayers/Kharadron, and Cities of Sigmar (may the realms of Human, Elf, and Dwarf unite)
  • The Defunct Bunch: High Elves, Bretonnia, Tomb Kings, and Seraphon (Because everyone was 100% certain Lizardmen were gone at the start of AoS)

And, of course, the greatest of team combinations:

  • Clans Pestilens, Clans Moulder, Clans Eshin, and Clans Skryre

Yes, but what about the best team of 4?

Stormcast, stormcast, stormcast, and stormcast?

Honestly though, I think it would be cool to see one team composed of 4000 points of the same Battletome all painted to match.

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The challenge is that 1000 point lists don't get a lot of coverage on forums such as this one because the general mindset is towards the 2000 point competitive scene (general statement, not a criticism).   You tend to need to look at more local forums/groups/etc. to find such discussions as typically the people sharing those kinds of lists are either not quite ready for the "scene" or more casual in nature.   

Since you are attending Adepticon, I am going to assume you live in the US and possibly in the Midwest.  Based on those assumptions, I would check out the following sites/groups and hopefully they can help you or point you to better resources.

https://www.indystorm.net/ - Indianapolis, IN gaming group.  1000 point Vanguard Friday tournament/ 1000 point x 2 team tournament on Saturday/Sunday (Local group running, so contact TO for more info)

https://www.redraccoongames.com/  - Bloomington, IL group with active players.  They are running a Meeting Engagement tournament on Jan 12.  They have a private Facebook page that you can join and discuss your lists with active tournament players.

https://www.facebook.com/HeyWannaPlayGameStore/ - Active South Florida group with tournament players.  They have regular gaming nights.  Folks play 1000 point and Warcry games.

https://www.facebook.com/groups/aosmo/ - Missouri group that runs a 1000 point tournament at Siegeworld every year.  Great group of players.

If I remember anywhere else, I will let you know.

Edited by Equinox
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