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Multiple Freeguild Generals and Hold the Line

Duke of Gisoreux

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After reading the command ability rule for Hold the Line again, I noticed that it is worded different to similar command abilities.


You can use this command ability in your hero phase. If you do so, pick up to 3 friendly Freeguild units wholly within 18" of a friendly Freeguild Hero with this command ability. Until the start of your next hero phase, add 1 to hit and wound rolls for attacks made by those friendly units if they have not made a normal move or a charge move in the same turn. A unit cannot benefit from this command ability more than once per phase.

So assume the following example: You have two Freeguild Generals, one on your left flank and one on your right flank on the table. The left one is accompanied by a unit of crossbowmen and the right one has two units of handgunners close to him. In your hero phase you could use the Hold the Line command ability and both the crossbowmen and the two units of handgunners would benefit from it - by the expense of a single command point.

Similar command abilities require you to select a hero, but not Hold the Line. It requires to select up to 3 Freeguild units wholly within a Hero with the command ability. I didn't notice before that it works that way.

Edited by Duke of Gisoreux
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Tough call.  It says "...wholly within 18" of a friendly freeguild hero..." however normally to exclude multiple instances of an ability in AoS, effects usually say something like "...within X" of any units/heroes/etc. with this ability." 

To me, "a" is singular so it only means 1 general, and that's probably the spirit of the rule.  I can't think of any other command ability that works in the way that you're suggesting.  Though, RAW, I can see your case.  I just wouldn't assume this is correct and check with opponents and TO's.  No matter what, a max of 3 units can benefit, you can just spread out more if your interpretation is right.

This would be an easy FAQ, change the wording to "pick up to 3 friendly Freeguild units wholly within 18" of the same Freeguild hero with this ability..."  or something more focused on the hero like "choose one friendly Freeguild hero with this command ability and then choose up to 3 friendly Freeguild units wholly within 18" of that hero..."  Or, they could simply change "...of a friendly..." in the ability to "...of one friendly..."

Wouldn't count on an FAQ of it though.  In my mind it would take something more than the vague a/one difference to convince me that this is intentionally meant to apply to multiple heroes at the same time.  Mostly just because there's really no precedent for it.

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Yeah I would normally agree with what @FPC said, but @Duke of Gisoreux brings up a good point about it not specifying that you have to pick a hero. Look at the Nomad Prince for example, his command ability is written like this:

"You can use this command ability at the start of your shooting phase or at the start of the combat phase. If you do so, pick 1 friendly Hero with this command ability. Until the end of that phase, add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by friendly Wanderer units while they are wholly within 12" of that Hero. A unit cannot benefit from this command ability more than once per phase. "

That command ability very clearly limits you to projecting the aura from a single Nomad Prince only. Since GW has written a number of command abilities this way, I see no reason why they wouldn't write Hold the Line in the same manner if they intended it to work the same way. 

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5 minutes ago, Tidings said:

Yeah I would normally agree with what @FPC said, but @Duke of Gisoreux brings up a good point about it not specifying that you have to pick a hero. Look at the Nomad Prince for example, his command ability is written like this:

"You can use this command ability at the start of your shooting phase or at the start of the combat phase. If you do so, pick 1 friendly Hero with this command ability. Until the end of that phase, add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by friendly Wanderer units while they are wholly within 12" of that Hero. A unit cannot benefit from this command ability more than once per phase. "

That command ability very clearly limits you to projecting the aura from a single Nomad Prince only. Since GW has written a number of command abilities this way, I see no reason why they wouldn't write Hold the Line in the same manner if they intended it to work the same way. 

However, my other main reason for thinking it only works with 1 hero is lack of precedent otherwise. But, I’m hesitant here because I only know the full scope of rules for a few armies. Is there ANY other CA that works in the way the OP hopes? I’m not saying that’s a sure fire reason it shouldn’t, but I still just doubt GW intended it this way.

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14 hours ago, FPC said:

However, my other main reason for thinking it only works with 1 hero is lack of precedent otherwise. But, I’m hesitant here because I only know the full scope of rules for a few armies. Is there ANY other CA that works in the way the OP hopes? I’m not saying that’s a sure fire reason it shouldn’t, but I still just doubt GW intended it this way.

I'm not positive either, but I know Kurnoth Hunters and I'm pretty sure Ossiarch has ways to use other models as a beacon for a command ability. But in the case of Kurnoths, it's written into their warscroll as an ability. Not on the command ability of their heroes afaik.

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