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My New Stormhost WIP


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Just wanted to share my work in progress with you guys. I have been working on this army for a couple of month now, but I am a slow painter :/ Plus it is my first project since 15 years or so, so all the tipps I can get are appreciated. 

My command squad: The Idea is to have that steel armor + dark green cloth plus the brass/bronze armor parts. But to invert the colors on the characters with "heave armor" like my lord relictor and the paladins. For the "magic guys" I tried to sprinkle some color into it with red feathers. I am not very happy with the purple on the Lord Arcanum though...Do you have any ideas for another color? It feels too "fantasy" and I would like to go for a more realistic look



And here are some basic Liberators:


I also do have some Evocators and Sequitors ready and coming up soon - but first I want to take on the guys on Dracoths...Ideas for a Dracoth color scheme are very much welcome :)

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Wow, they look great! Very realistic  and moody and yet still the bold colours Stormcast would use. I don’t think the purple looks too bad, but just to suggest something in keeping with the overall theme how about a dark, almost-black midnight blue?

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          I like your paint scheme, it has a built in benefit that if you wanted to add some variety to the heavily armored units such as the Paladins painting your steel into the inset portions of the greaves, thigh plates, or shoulder pad gives units plenty of variation without adding more of your spot color (I hate when different units all look the same, hence why I cannot have a real army).

     As for your feathers maybe try basing it white, a wash of coelia greenshade, followed a dry brush in an off white that’s not quite a cream (maybe just slightly darker/dingier than the head’s color)? *Should* blend fairly well with your spot/heraldry color thanks to the greenshade and the off white should work with your cream on the charger’s crest. Emphasis on the “should” as I’m still such an amateur myself I usually just bumble around/through things.

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Thanks for the feedback guys! I also thought of something in the spirit of "off white" for the feathers maybe in the tone of the helmetfeathers of the upper Liberator Prime. Just not sure if I want to paint this guy over or just build a new one since i have the model twice from buying the SCE part of the starter set twice on ebay. 

On a different topic: how do you guys dust off models? I am going to buy a nice glass showcase to display the minis soon but until now they live in a standard ikea shelf getting dust on them pretty fast and I am afraid that the dust might mess up the paint when i start painting on a black primer with dust on it.  But the stuff is resilient esp in the details.

PS: here is a group shot of the current gang :)



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     I can’t help with the contrast question (I’ve only tried two colors so far with mixed results) but as for the dust: If your models are collecting dust they aren’t being moved enough; play more! But honestly what I do is blow them off with my airbrush (~25-30psi) and lightly dust them with a cheap makeup brush I snagged from one of my daughters. For me the biggest issues are with very fine hairs settling on the model before/during/after painting. What the airbrush and makeup brush doesn’t take off I have to attack with tweezers. 

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You know the horrible thing I recently did... an old collection put in storage at my place by a mate was so dusted it lost colour. I just dipped all his plastic and varnished models in water. Felt horrible but it worked brilliantly. 

Just test it with one first ;) 

that being said the airbrush thing suggested above seems more sensible 😂

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Haha ok, are you by any chance a Death Player who is looking to annihilate some innocent Stormcasts? :P

But I mean why not, its worth a try. But I also got myself some canned air and a make up brush (wonder what Amazon will make of that for my personal algorithm :D )

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7 hours ago, Naem said:

Haha ok, are you by any chance a Death Player who is looking to annihilate some innocent Stormcasts? :P

But I mean why not, its worth a try. But I also got myself some canned air and a make up brush (wonder what Amazon will make of that for my personal algorithm :D )

Haha I was just lucky to have someone else’s childhood collection to try it on ;) 

but thinking about it, those were painted before shades and technical paints. So don’t know how they’ll respond. 

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