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Help a noob out at painting

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Hello! I am relatively new to this whole miniature thing. I picked up some Khorne and have started to paint my horde of half naked dudes. So far I have stuck with a very basic paint scheme, khorne red, retributor gold, leadbealcher, rakarth flesh, and black. All shaded with riekland fleshshade. I just bought some evil sunz scarlet for edge highlights, but when I used it, my armor just looks like it has orange dots on it. How do I use edge highlights? 

Sorry about the bad images, I took these with my phone

picture 1- my best model, Gary, the Exalted Deathbringer

pictures 2 and 3- bad edges, number 3 is a wip




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Are you thinning your paints? Are you painting multiple layers of said thin paints? Are you not thinning your edge highlights as much as your normal painting? Also I've found mephiston red is a nicer highlight for khorne red than evil suns scarlet


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Edge highlights are a fairly advanced option

What I would do in your case is to start with one of the two routes

1) Base, Shade, Drybrush

2) Base, Layer, Shade


If you download the Citadel app there's videos detailing both approaches, and it'll help you learn and practice your brush control necesscary to get to that level.


Finally, try watching this video for some ideas





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There is nothing quite like someone showing you in your local game store if that's an option.

Some may say it's an advanced technique, but just keep at it, and as already said, thin your paints. More than you think you should.

Once you have some of the colour on your brush, paint on your hand or thumb and that will allow you to control the remaining paint so much better 😁

But keep practicing and you'll have it no problem!

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