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Amunhotep's Return: A Legion of Blood Army


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I have finally finished painting my Legion of Blood conversion army. I'll be posting up pictures of it here. :)

For reference, the army list is: 

Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon
2 Necromancers
3 Tomb Banshees
30 Skeleton Warriors 
2 units of 5 Dire Wolves
5 Blood Knights
Mortis Engine

Everything is fully converted and totally WYSIWYG, because I was super ****** about it.
Tomb Kings are done when I say they're done. :)



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25 minutes ago, Baudelaire said:


I have finally finished painting my Legion of Blood conversion army. I'll be posting up pictures of it here. :)

For reference, the army list is: 

Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon
2 Necromancers
3 Tomb Banshees
30 Skeleton Warriors 
2 units of 5 Dire Wolves
5 Blood Knights
Mortis Engine

Everything is fully converted and totally WYSIWYG, because I was super ****** about it.
Tomb Kings are done when I say they're done. :)



Amen my brother! Long live the Kings!

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Let me think if I think it was more expensive than a regular Nagash army... 

I will say this project started because a friend gifted me the old starter box - so that came with 40 skeletons, three chariots, and eight light horsemen. But the skeletons used to just be regular skeletons with a few of the Tomb Kings accessory sprues. That's all I had laying around.

I got and repurposed a lot of the TK stuff in this army from eBay. The Neferata, the Casket, a handful of light horsemen, and one purchase of used bits that I paid around $15 for that was mostly heads and shields, which is really all I needed. I think, in total, I paid around $60-ish for what I got off eBay, and most of that was the Casket, which cost me $30 by itself (I was patient and negotiated with several sellers before I got that price).

I found a =really= great Etsy shop where the guy will resin cast you scratch sculpted Tomb Guard sprues. They came from Poland, so it took forever (like five weeks) to get here, but they are FANTASTIC and they were dirt cheap. I paid $20 plus shipping for 10. Call it $25. 

Then I bought the Malignants "get started" box, a Terrorgheist, two boxes of Fenrisian Wolves and the Archaon dragon (which was, by far and away, the most expensive single model I've ever purchased. Even then, I was patient on eBay and got it for $100.) All of that came either from eBay and patience, or, in the case of the Malignants box, my local store because it was on sale and I was impatient.  

Every base in the army is scratch-sculpted in Sculpey, so call it maybe $40 worth of clay? 

All told, I think this army cost me about $350-$375, which is about what a regular army would cost anyway. You could do it for around $325 if you didn't buy Archaon. Or around $400, if you had to also buy the Tomb Kings starter box, which goes for about $100-$150 on eBay.  

So it was a little expensive, but no more so than just about any other AOS army, I think. I priced out a Fyreslayers army (because that's what I was originally going to do), and it was damned near $500. This TK/Nagash army turned out to be a relative bargain. :D 

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