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Seven Vertical Distance Questions




Walking, melee model is on a wall 4 inches tall.  A flying summoner is 15 inches from said wall.   They summon a walking melee model which must remain 9 inches away. 

So, what exactly does that mean? 

1. Is the distance from the wall model measured down the wall 4 inches and then out from the wall 5? 

2. Straight out from the wall directly below the model 9 inches? 

3. At the angle pythagorean style 8.062 inches from the bottom of the wall and 9 inches away from the base of the wall model at an angle (guessing it's this one based on core rules)? 

4. Does it matter that the summoner is flying (probably not)? 

5. Would it matter if the unit on the wall was flying (probably not)? 

6. I assume the straight line 9 inch measurement would be used if the summoned unit was flying.  Thoughts?  This one is interesting to me because if it's not the case and you still measure base to base straight line, flying units can technically be summoned "closer" than legally allowed simply based on the height of the opposing model (which is ignored by fliers).   You could, in effect, summon a flying unit into combat if the opposing model was high enough. 

Came up because a building was on top of an objective and a tzeentch player was summoning a unit of brimstones and we weren't sure how far away to put them and how big of a charge they needed to make to hit the guy on the wall. 

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13 hours ago, Isotop said:

I do not really get your point. The core rules tell us how to measure distances, do they not? It is always base to base:


"Distances in Warhammer Age of Sigmar are measured [...] between the closest points of the bases of the models you’re measuring to and from [...]"

(https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/AoS_Rulesheets/ENG_AoSSW_Rules_booklet_web.pdf, page 1)


Moving up walls is also clarified (even though I do not really like the mechanic) in the FAQ/Designer´s Commentary.

Am I missing something?

I just don't like those rules, played 2 sieges on narrative events and they really sucked. Also wallrun charges rub me wrong way. Measuring coming reserves 3-dimentionaly and giving flying unit an ability to make 1" charges also feels wierd.

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9 hours ago, XReN said:

You basicly have to use houserule interpretations here since GW haven't bothered with giving us working rules for movement and measurement

I do not really get your point. The core rules tell us how to measure distances, do they not? It is always base to base:


"Distances in Warhammer Age of Sigmar are measured [...] between the closest points of the bases of the models you’re measuring to and from [...]"

(https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/AoS_Rulesheets/ENG_AoSSW_Rules_booklet_web.pdf, page 1)


Moving up walls is also clarified (even though I do not really like the mechanic) in the FAQ/Designer´s Commentary.

Am I missing something?



On 4/21/2019 at 3:43 PM, King Taloren said:


I’ve always considered Objectives to be a cylindrical that extends up to eternity. Both of these rules are also how it is played in ITC rules for 40k.

I do not see any reason for 40k ITC being mixed up with AoS. The core rules tell us explicitly how objectives work:


"When measuring distances to and from objectives, always measure to and from the centre of the marker."

(https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/AoS_Rulesheets/ENG_AoSSW_Rules_booklet_web.pdf, page 11)


According to this, the "scoring area" around an objective is a hemisphere with radius 6". This is also how it was played on all tournaments I attended so far.


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Well it is kind of a buff though there are a couple of drawbacks. Flying units still can reach you on a 9” charge if they are summoned. If you have taken a upper story above the objective it’s easier for the enemy to take it from you provided they can get enough models in the 6” radius on the ground. As you probably can’t put enough models on the upper area to stop him. And if you put non flying models up there you are also stuck having to take a turn climbing down to react to anything.

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On 4/21/2019 at 9:43 AM, King Taloren said:

I would go with 9” straight line ignoring height if any models are up on terrain. Main reasoning for this is that vertical distance is ignored when measuring if a model is in coherence with its unit. (Which I found quite surprising) I would assume summoning and deep striking work the same way.

Depending on how high up he was if the unit isn’t flying it probably can’t make a charge since you do have to end up in actual range of the enemy model though you do get the model’ Height to measure from.

I’ve always considered Objectives to be a cylindrical that extends up to eternity. Both of these rules are also how it is played in ITC rules for 40k.

Unrelated to the question, but coherence is 6".


Huge distance so it would almost never matter, but there is obviously "some" 3D thinking. 

If all distances are measured straight and not angled and objectives extend to eternity that's a pretty huge buff to being on top of stuff near a point.  You're basically another whole turn away from melee units! 

Not saying it's wrong BTW, just an observation. 

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I would go with 9” straight line ignoring height if any models are up on terrain. Main reasoning for this is that vertical distance is ignored when measuring if a model is in coherence with its unit. (Which I found quite surprising) I would assume summoning and deep striking work the same way.

Depending on how high up he was if the unit isn’t flying it probably can’t make a charge since you do have to end up in actual range of the enemy model though you do get the model’ Height to measure from.

I’ve always considered Objectives to be a cylindrical that extends up to eternity. Both of these rules are also how it is played in ITC rules for 40k.

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