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Another Khorne 1000 point list


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Hi There,


I'm prepping for a tourney at my local store this Sunday and wanted to trow my 1000 point list your way and see what you think.

I'm using the bloodbound and was thinking of doing a blooodreaver horde army and the Dark Feast batallion but i've not had chance to test it yet.

I'd love an aspiring deathbringer but that would take me 20 points over.

Wondering if this would work well or if i should change it up, i have most Khorne units.

Cheers in advance! :)

Leaders -  200pts

Slaughterpriest - 100pts

Bloodstoker - 100pts

Bloodsecrator - 120pts


Battleline - 360pts

20 Bloodreavers - 120pts

20 Bloodreavers - 120pts

20 Bloodreavers - 120pts


Extras - 280pts

Wrathmongers - 180pts

Dark Feast Batallion - 100pts


Total - 960pts

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Thanks for the replies guys, i've had a think and changed it up a bit. Same theme and battalion, but got rid of the wrathmongers and bloodsecrator. Gone for a warshrine and two deathbringers.

So this gives my bloodreavers 4 attackes when buffed without having a bloodsecrator. I get to reroll all hits with the shrine, reroll 1's to wound with the stoker, and get a 6+ ward save from the shrine and ignore battleshock with the battalion Hopefully by bloodreavers survive long enough to dish out wounds.

And i might get some damage in if the Exalted dethbringer makes it into combat with a potential 8 attacks.

Either way should be funny to play, can't wait to see my opponents face when i drop 60 cannibals on the field lol.

Leaders -  340pts

Slaughterpriest - 100pts

Bloodstoker - 80pts

Aspiring Deathbringer (General) - 80pts

Exalted Deathbringer with Spear - 80pts


Battleline - 360pts

20 Bloodreavers - 120pts

20 Bloodreavers - 120pts

20 Bloodreavers - 120pts


Extras - 300pts

ChaosWarshine - 200pts

Dark Feast Batallion - 100pts

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I really like this list, getting the reavers to a potential 4 attacks each without reliance on the bloodsecrator is a good move, you cant lose a large portion of your offense with the loss of a single model.  I suggest giving a unit of two of reavers meatripper axes as you will still have trouble against armour without much rend in there.  I would change out the exalted death bringer for a skullgrinder if I were to run this, but that is not for any particular tactical reason, I just love him so very very much.

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