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Moonclan grots


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Okay so I chose my moonclan to bring forward to aos but I was just wondering a few things.

1. What does the old skarsnik model count as because on the gw site he is listed as grot warboss but has a link to a different warscroll than the regular warboss? 

2. I find the only thing to do damage is the mangler squig in 1000 point games so what are the most fighty moonclan units or additions from destruction to add some punch? 

Thank you in advance

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Hello and Welcome!

1. It's a bit confusing, eh? Well Skarsnik is still Skarsnik, so use his warscroll. You can find the Orcs and Goblins (and also Skarsnik!) here https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/AoS_Compendiums/warhammer-aos-orcs-and-goblins-en.pdf. His Command ability is pretty great, you can pile in and attack twice as well as be immune to Battleshock.

2. Big Units of Moongrots can do excellent damage! Take a unit of 40 and it's +2 to damage. Armed with spears so they can reach over each other, that's a ton of attacks that damage on a 2+. Fanatics are also great for board control, and they are also capable of doing lots of damage. Say you hide 5 units of Fanatics in a unit of 40 Night Goblins, they can pop out and that's 5d6 that hits on a 4+, wounds on a 3+ has a rend of -2 and d3 damage. Potential of 90 wounds! On a trial run, just for fun, I rolled 21 attacks. 9 hits on a 4+, 6 wounds go through. An average Battleline unit is going to get no save, and rolled 12 damage. Not too bad. 

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