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Choices when planning a new (destruction) army


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Browsing through the forums and the grand alliance - destruction book brings up a couple of questions as I formulate a plan on how to build up an army:

1. How do you get variety in your game strategies?

As a new player, I don't have a collection of models.  Also, it will take some time to buy the kits and assemble them, no matter what I choose.  Ironjawz and moonclan grots jump out at me as models I'd like to build and paint.  It looks like the ironjawz have one main strategy - rush.  As you build up to 1000 or 2000 points, how do you keep battles interesting or varied?  Also, with a set group of friends in the area, how to do you keep things interesting with your army?

3. Are we locked into weapons on individual models based on how we build the models?

Take the ironjawz brutes as an example, the prevailing advice seems to be to equip them with two choppas if you use units of 5 models.  But if you use units of 10 models, then use jagged gore-hackas.  I am sure GW would love us to simply buy double the number of brutes so each model is set up properly.  Can this be proxied as a new player is building up an army?

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1. That's what Narrative and Open play are for. Build a Megaboss and see how long he can last against a neverending tide of skeleton warriors then switch sides! So long as you have a like-minded opponent the sky's the limit with AoS. If Ironjawz and Moonclan look fun to paint, paint them. Don't ever ever EVER get models that you aren't excited to paint just because you think they're 'good'. That's a recipe for burnout and unpainted models.

3 (2?). Again, this comes down to a like-minded opponent. If you were across the table from me and you told me what was up - "These guys are holding Gore-hackas because the unit will be 10 at some point, but I can't afford the other 5 currently" - I would have no issue. Some may. A tournament likely wouldn't allow it. But a lot of players are coming from the same place.

Just don't go nuts with proxying. These 2 Ardboys on each others shoulders making 'choochoo' noises count as Gore Gruntas!

(no wait do exactly that)

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Depending on how confident you are with modelling, magnetising the weapons is an option - I did this with my ogors as I had no idea whether to go for ironfists or 2 hand weapons.

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Good advice, Beano!

You are going to be spending a lot of time with your army, so building something you really love is the key. I also love the Ironjawz and Moonclan Grots, and will for sure be taking both in an army at some point. Enjoy what you are doing :)

There are lots of different scenarios in the General's Handbook alone, try them all. When/if those get old, get some new books and try those!

I agree with the Doctors prognosis on 3 as well, especially about having fun modeling things! I love the Ardboyz Choochoo idea hilarious!

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I think the challenge with ironjawz is not stacking magic or having the right unit for the job. Rather it is target priority. Choosing where to engage which unit and how fast you want it deaded. Since ironjawz can be a bit slow and dont have many tools, you really need to take out the right targets in the right order. If you charge wrong you dont really have many backup options.


In my experience, unless playing the very dull standsrd death match, not a single army is a pure rush army.

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Remember you can build your army however you want. Nothing is stopping you having a solid moonclan battleline and then getting other ironjawz units. I myself am mixed destruction with battleline moonclan. Mainly because I have owned them for ages but still, they do look cool.

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