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Gravesite Tips / Tactics


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i find opponents are still bad at covering the gravesites. But keep in mind a single model in a gravesite can mess you up


i try and place them where I think I will be for the mission and my opponent. But not too close lol. And have them spaced out so if your opponent is going to sit on one then whatever that unit is is gonna be out of play. 


I tend to not not place them near objectices since I don’t want my enemy holding an objective and blocking my gravesite at same time

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As a first try, I tend to roll with the flat diamond roughly where I think the main grind is going to happen. Think of battle for the pass scenario, but smaller and more to my side.

that‘s just for standard „deathly invocation“ purposes.

then tricky stuff like re-summoning and hidden troops might be a thing, but that’s not something you can just make a bunch of assumptions and make up a recommendation.

legion of night ambush, then summon forth a .40cal skelli mob, or some morghast for your terrorgheist... interesting, but your opponents can block that.


resummoning of destroyed units... home base, save but far away, frontline has opponents standing on it, right flank is free, left flank is where your general is fighting ...


so, for starters, flat diamond then adjust to playstyle, scenario and opponent...

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Thank, this helps some, been trying to focus one flank with gravesites spaced 9" away from objectives (towards me if practical) and at max 18 away from each other to get that benefit. 

Tend to use them as healing / res sites so keeping one back and safe is good but tends to fix my necro and chainrasps in place in the early rounds as I use the reapers to smash into something, wreck it, get swarmed, die then res'd back to the gravesite being held by chainrasps. 

In later rounds tho when I need to res I struggle as generally I'm slogging it out over an objective. 

Will run a generic diamond tweaked to the scenario and see how that works. 

Thanks for help Darren / Honk


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The flat diamond is the best all round placement since it doesn't give away any specific playstyle hints to your opponent before deployment will start. That said, if you're playing an aggressive army you may want to push more towards your opponent's territory, while a more defensive play style might require placement a little more on your own side. Keep in mind if you're planning on using the ability to bring units back or not as you'll want to deploy them with something deeper in your territory to protect it if you want to bring units back (with something like a Necromancer general to hold it) while forgoing that may allow you to be more aggressive with how you place them to maximize how much they heal your units.

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5 hours ago, Honk said:

What is your gravesite doing on my board edge, Dear Mr.LegionoftheNight Player?!?

Vhaaat? Meee???


I was thinking more pushing them all towards your opponent because your army will be aggressively pushing towards them or holding them more on your side to maximize your healing while turtling.

But now I am imagining Mannfred trying to bluff his way out of something like that with one of the fakest "I'm totally innocent, honest" looks known to the Mortal Realms.

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1 hour ago, Fulkes said:

one of the fakest "I'm totally innocent, honest" looks known to the Mortal Realms.

Like the last time, when he stood behind our mighty god-emperor during the Endtimes... „hyes Masther, I haveth your backeth...“ deary me, the dagger musth haveth slippethed...“


he has a statue in the hall of honor down at the skaven place


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7 minutes ago, Honk said:

Like the last time, when he stood behind our mighty god-emperor during the Endtimes... „hyes Masther, I haveth your backeth...“ deary me, the dagger musth haveth slippethed...“


he has a statue in the hall of honor down at the skaven place


So the bumps on his head are the buds of horns gifted by the Great Horned Rat?

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