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"Well at least it's something" - Minor Order factions in upcoming non GW AoS Boardgame


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This is kind of interesting, theres an upcoming AoS Boardgame (I assume NOT miniature based since it's published by wizkids) that involves the minor order factions. Pretty interesting to see since you'd think they would just use the AoS Order factions. (well ok one faction is made up of Anvilgard, Hammerhal Aqsha and the City of Brimstone so thats why theres old school dwarfs, free people, and corsairs). Though apparently Order Serpentis is an entire separate faction in the game.

This is by no means "hey gw cares! we're getting an update", I assume this could be due to the ability to reuse old art rather than make new ones. Art is expensive!



There are six playable factions to choose from, ranging from famous Aqshian rivals, the Hammers of Sigmar and the Khornate legions of Khorgos Khul, to the Vorstarg Fyreslayer Lodge and even the Order Serpentis. We’ll be bringing you more information on this game in the future, so keep your eyes peeled.




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