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Is there a place in SC nowardays for Libs and Paladins?


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What the title said, I've just recently come back to AoS after a busy year and found a whole new edition of both the core game and the Stormcast eternals, and what people are telling me is that my liberators and paladins are obsolete now compared to Sequitors and Evokators.


Now I dont mind that, as it gives me an excuse to purchase new models, but it cant really be that much doom and gloom, can it? Havent gotten my hand on the new SC book yet, so my knowledge is limited to hearsay and the AoS app.

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Sequiturs vs liberators I get, but I would have thought paladins still had a place. retributers and decimetors still seem a great choice but maybe a bit more specialists compared to evocators. But also not based on actually playing them. So grain of salt and everything ;) 

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Of the three Paladin units, only Protectors keep a real niche.

Decimators deal less damage to hordes than Evocators unless they have 6+ models in range, and Retributors deal less damage than Evocators while being more expensive. Now, take into account Evocators are faster and reroll 1's Vs shooting, and you see why both these units are paperweights compared to Evocators.

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In my skyborne slayers, yes. Bonus points for letting me put sacrosanct units with them.

Concerning the sequitors, one thing to remember : they reroll their saves only in the combat phase. Against shootings attacks or mortal wounds, they have the same resilience than the liberators, but are 20% more expensive.

And they as well need their shields to channel the reroll save. As soon as the shields bearer dies (so, most of the time, half of a unit) they don't even have any reroll and die faster than liberators.

They hit much, MUCH harder, but in the role of holding an objectif, covering the board or acting as a speed bump, liberators do the job.

Concerning the paladins, the retributors were nerfed, the decimators are still the same as before, and the protectors are WAY better than they are. Our old units are not really "worse" than before. Better units arrived, but if your liberators and paladins did their job well before, they will still do

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