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Allegiance battleline and summoning




If i for example play a Deathlord allegiance army with Nagash and two units of Morghast to fill up the battleline unit requirement. Then the rest in the summoning pool.

Here's the pickle. If Nagash summons a unit of skeleton, does this unit count as a battleline unit? Do the Morghasts stop counting as battleline units if there are non-deathlord allegiance units on the table?

I understand that this has no impact per-se on armybuilding, im more thinking for the situation in different scenarios if an objective can only be held by a battleline unit and so on.


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I think you are making this very complicated. Units that stops being battleline mid game and battleline unit from the summoning pool that stops being battleline once summoned etc.

Asume that battleline units are a battleline units until someone makes up a scenario where they are not or you house rule it yourself I think is the right answer.

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I'm pretty sure the Warhammer AoS Facebook gang has addressed this kind of thing, but here's what I understand the system to be:

1. You write out the points you're deploying at the beginning of the battle. 

2. Determine allegiance and verify battleline/leader/behemoth/artillery requirements based on the deployed (and written!) units.

3. During the game, cast anything you can as long as you have the points to pay for it. Summons have no effect on your allegiance or army composition (so you can summon 10 behemoths as long as you have the spells and the points to pay for them).

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Basically the battle line and other requirements only matter at deployment. After this that stuff stops mattering and the only thing you need to track is reinforcement points.

Though when new allegiance abilities come out they will be subfaction specific. 

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