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Starting Ironjawz 1000 pts.


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Hi all,

I'm just getting into AoS with Ironjawz and am taking a crack at a first 1000 pt. list (BTW the advice and discussions on this forum have been really helpful).   I don't have much right now - Megaboss, 2 units of brutes and Ironskull's boyz that I've been using in small battles to get used to the rules.  For 1000 pts. I'm thinking:



5 Brutes

5 Brutes

Ironskullz's boyz

3 Gore Gruntas

Ironfist battallion

980 pts.

A good next step?  Thanks in advance for any advice!


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Excellent questions.  Here are my (very) preliminary ideas.

Right now my units consist of a Megaboss, two units of Brutes and Ironskull's boyz.  I'm growing the list slowly focusing at this point on units that will have utility in pretty much any list...hence the Warchanter and Gore Gruntas. 

Point-wise I'm thinking of eventually around 2500 total...enough for a 2000 pt. list with sufficient extra models to add some variety.  I also like lists with variety...a mix of units for the aesthetics as much as anything.  Fortunately from the lists I've seen this seems to work well for Ironjawz.

There aren't any models I don't like but I would prefer lists with no allies...just a personal preference.

Thinking about units I would like to add, a Megaboss on Doom Cabbage is a given...love the model and it's a really good unit from everything I've read.

A Shaman seems essential, especially in larger lists.  My impression is that, despite the nerf, a unit or two of 10 Ardboyx are good to have near the shaman.

I'm very unfamiliar with the Endless Spells but they seem well worth including, esp. the Cogs.

Same goes for the Ironfist Battalion...just too good not to include.  I see Bloodtoof showing up in more lists...need to read more.



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18 minutes ago, velocitydog said:

Right now my units consist of a Megaboss, two units of Brutes and Ironskull's boyz.  I'm growing the list slowly focusing at this point on units that will have utility in pretty much any list...hence the Warchanter and Gore Gruntas. 

So this is a start collecting box. It costs £2 more than the GG's on their own and gets you the WC+10 Ardboys! This will give you a good bit of flexibilty. After that I would then recommend a second start collecting box because

  1. Warchanters are amazing and their buffs stack!
  2. 6 GG's total gives you either some great mobile threats (3x3) or a big heavy cav unit of 6 which hits like a truck .
  3. 20 Ardboys gives you some flexibility and a good about of spare weapons etc. for any conversions you want. Build all the drummers/banners/icons (you can have as many as you want.
  4. You can take your time to build and paint them over time.

Incidentally the SC box is why you should never buy Ardboys, GG's or Warchanters on their own.

26 minutes ago, velocitydog said:

Point-wise I'm thinking of eventually around 2500 total...enough for a 2000 pt. list with sufficient extra models to add some variety.  I also like lists with variety...a mix of units for the aesthetics as much as anything.  Fortunately from the lists I've seen this seems to work well for Ironjawz.

Ok so realistically you are looking for a cabbage, maybe 9 GG's, ~20-25 Brutes and 30 Ardboys. 2 Weirdnobs and 3 warchanters. That will give you a ton of flexibility and options and is pretty easy to collect ;) 

28 minutes ago, velocitydog said:

A Shaman seems essential, especially in larger lists.  My impression is that, despite the nerf, a unit or two of 10 Ardboyx are good to have near the shaman.

Weirdnob or Fungoid are generally the choices. Fungoid Cave Shaman is an ally but he's also the destruction Harbringer, your call on him. 

For the Weirdnob I would recommend 2 Weirdnob Warbands, the skirmish boxes. That would give you 2 Weirdnobs, 10 Ardboys and 10 Brutes.

29 minutes ago, velocitydog said:

Same goes for the Ironfist Battalion...just too good not to include.  I see Bloodtoof showing up in more lists...need to read more.

Ironfist is fairly standard. If you want the Bloodtoofs you will eventually need to buy a baleful realmgate, I would recommend holding off on that till you have a solid 2k force built WITHOUT the bloodtoofs. It only goes in Bloodtoofs which is really restrictive as far as list building goes, you want to play about with things so you want the rest of the list first.

Should you find you want to run a 1drop list, so megabattalion, take an Ironsunz instead. Different buffs but the same in terms of list requirements/points so a very good way to build a Megabattalion list without actually buying a realm gate.

32 minutes ago, velocitydog said:

I'm very unfamiliar with the Endless Spells but they seem well worth including, esp. the Cogs.

So I'm in 2 minds about this.

  1. The spells themselves are hillarious and give you a bunch of versitility. Plus the Malign Sorcery supplement book has a metric ton of artefact options and, for more casual play, the realm rules which can be funny.
  2. As with the Realmgate you want to have an army before you go for these, we lack multicast wizards so realistically you will be limited on the amount of spells you can cast till you have more. Additionally the extra artefact options are just going to make the game more complicated while you are learning and getting into the game. Honestly at this point you don't need the complexity or options that it gives.

I would go for the Malign Sorcery box before the baleful realmgates if I'm honest, but again that would be after you can hit 1.5k - 2k without the spells. Definitely not an early box to grab.


So in closing.

  • Make sure you have the generals handbook, it has our allegiance abilities in it.
  • Ironjawz battletome is useful for the warscrolls and battalions.
  • By the same token the warscroll cards are really useful while you are still learning. Take out only the ones for the units you are using and it saves a ton of searching.
  • Your next buy sounds like it should be a start collecting, honestly its a great boxed set.
  • After that decide if you want more brutes or another Warchanter/GG
  • If you want the brutes grab a weirdnob warband Apparently it's no longer avalible in the UK but is in the US etc. depending on where you are. If you can grab it from ebay it's a great box.
  • If you can't find the Warband or want more GG's get the start collecting, it will help bulk out your forces and is a great value box.
  • After you hit around 1.5k look at getting a cabbage.

Hope that helps!

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This is amazingly helpful.  Many thanks!!!  I agree, the skirmish and start collecting boxes are a great deal.  I will definitely pick some up.  Your recommendation about the spells is also good...get used to how the army plays before adding on new layers.

Thanks again, really, really good stuff.



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I’m also brand new to Ironjawz myself and thus far I have collected: 


Warscroll Cards

2 Start Collecting! Boxes

4 Weirdknob Warbands! 

1 Megaboss on Foot

5 Brutes by themselves 

A Megaboss on Maw-Krusha 


i was planning on getting:

1 Megaboss on Maw-Krusha 

Another Start Collecting! Box

Another Ironjawz Army Box 

A Balewind Vortex

A Realmgate 

Snazzgar’s Portents of the Waaagh!

The GHB/rules/malign sorcery Warlords Edition thing for ALLLLL the rules 

I would say my goals are to be able to have enough models to run any list for variety and fun. I love Ironjawz the most of any army even though I came to them late. My first steps into a GW store it was always my intention to play them no matter what and I finally found the time and money. 

I want to run Gordrakk and the two MKMB lists I’ve seen. I also want to try out all the different battalions and see what I like and even the megabattalions. 


I want this this to be my main army able to do anything they can do but almost pure. I don’t mind the fungoid Shaman but I don’t want to buy a lot of extra non-IJ models.




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Wow!  That's gonna be impressive.  At this point ironjawz is the only army I'm interested in collecting.  I'll probably give some of the allies a try eventually but for now I want to run them pure.  I'm not a big fan of bright yellow armor so I'm trying a different colored scheme (modeled on Ironskull's Boyz...perfect for a casual WAAAAAGH!!! or a formal dinner). 


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44 minutes ago, velocitydog said:

Wow!  That's gonna be impressive.  At this point ironjawz is the only army I'm interested in collecting.  I'll probably give some of the allies a try eventually but for now I want to run them pure.  I'm not a big fan of bright yellow armor so I'm trying a different colored scheme (modeled on Ironskull's Boyz...perfect for a casual WAAAAAGH!!! or a formal dinner). 


That's exactly how I was going to die mine, until i decided instead to go with a Shattered Hand Orc style. My boyz are from the realm of shyish, pale white and ghostly, bleached by the purple sun and bone dust of the millions of skeletons they've killed. They're heading to Shadespire for an eternal scrap, looking to loot and pillage all the treasure hunters coming from far and wide, so they can grow bigga and stronga dan anyone! 

So they'll have black armor with red accents, and pale white skin. I'm going to pick up ironskullz boys for test painting myself and try out the Idoneth Deepkin style with 2 different shades, and the "Raven Guard skin tone" style with 2 different shades (Nuln Oil and Drakenhof Nightshade). 

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