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2000 Points - Nagash List


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Many units change role if you stick to one allegiance in your list build. If you take only Deathlords (Nagash's crew), then Morghasts become Battleline units. 

Very true about objective grabbing - on the other hand with big bases you can block the enemy from getting to within 6 inches in some cases. The problem with Zombies is that with Mannfred hogging points, you cannot afford to not make use of every point for combat power and durability is key when model count is so low.

Arkhan's command ability is poor compared to Mannfred's. You would be better off taking the extra ward save over Arkhan's one. 

Yes - summoned units can claim immediately (unlike SCGT).

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Ah that's how they become battle line, thank you.  I remember reading that now in the GH.  I thought I had missed a battalion scroll somewhere.

in the first scenario 'hold and take?' If you lose 9 of your 18 model army you will not be able to secure a major victory.

However you are right that you need combat punch, otherwise your opponent will just steamroller you.  Tough to find the balance.  Perhaps you have, I certainly could not write a better list, I am much better at poking holes in others lists ( wrongly or rightly) ?

In 'border war' u need to have more models near the 4 objectives than your opponents to claim. Would 18 models do this well?

One scenario involves heroes capturing 3 objectives, you have 2 heroes...

So easy to poke holes, I have no solutions or evidence to suggest your list could not do well in the scenarios, just my initial thoughts.  

Thank you for ur thoughts



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Nice look at the objectives Jon. I dont know that i'd pick spirit host. Why do you use spirit host over whatever else??? Thier damage output per point or surviavility per point isn't super high.


I guess you wanted things that would be summoned with lots of punch??? You chose spirits because a basic summon of spirits is the damage damage as like 20 zombies that some how had full bonuses??? right???


Otherwise most units pack about the same punch point for point - survability. 

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  • 4 months later...

Deathlords Allegiance. So if you just have Mannderp and 3 Units of Archai, your army becomes Deathlords Allegiance (see the General's Handbook). By sticking to this allegiance, you get to unlock Archai (or Harbingers) as Battleline, so the army is legal. You can then summon whatever you like since your summoning pool is just a quantity of reinforcement points, not defined units. In principle it's great, but you hardly see anyone using it.

The main problem is that if you take any of the Big 4 Deathlords as general, you're losing out on the amazing 5+ ward save (and you're definitely losing out on artefacts whatever you do (because they are named characters). 

It's a reward for sticking to one allegiance.

You also cannot put them on heroes that you're planning to summon. You could make a single Archai the general - then he will project the 5+ ward save, however the cost of doing that is that you then lose the command ability which is much of the reason for taking Deathlords in the first place (especially Nagash and Mannderp).... 

If Deathlords get an allegiance pack (i.e. spells, artefacts and so on which are unique to Deathlords (like Sylvaneth and Bonesplitterz do already), then this would be a further reward - although pretty much the only benefit would be the spells. It would be nice if Nagash knows the entire of the lore (6 spells). 

Unfortunately Archai are frankly overcosted by some margin - they should be 1 for 100, minimum unit size 1 (like Varanguard should be).

Arkhan's extra 6 inch range is dreadful. It's a staggeringly bad command ability. If it was an extra 12 or 18 then you would be talking, but it's not changing the fact that he cannot cast any debuffs or buffs in the first turn (if you have to go first).

A summoned unit can claim on any battleplan except (crucially) 3 Places of Power (unless it also moves after being set up, i.e. it charges onto the objective or piles in onto it). The Cairn Wraith ploy doesn't work! See game one:

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