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Creating the Nameless One


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Hello guys,

I don't know of any of you is familiar with the Planescape: Torment videogame, but I'm a big fan so I'm trying to replicate the main character, known as The Nameless One, as my Wight King for my Legion of Nagash army.

Any ideas on how could I build something similar to this model? It seems to be quite a challenge.


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23 hours ago, Mohojoe said:

It might be a tad bulky but the ogroid thaumaturge might be a good place to start? 

How far are you going with it, kitbashing only or are you happy to try making your own bits with green stuff? 

Well, I prefer kitbashing since I'm just getting started with green stuff, but I might try something not too hard.

Ogroid seems too big IMO, I think 32mm model should be the thing if that's possible.

18 hours ago, Swooper said:

I would probably look at something like a Bloodreaver (or maybe one of the Khorne hero models, a Slaughterpriest perhaps?) as a starting point. Maybe the head from the Darkoath Chieftain could work?

I really like the Bloodreavers idea! Specially the standard bearer, it seems quite dynamic and could fit really well:


However I'm not so sure about the Khorne heroes you mentioned since they are bigger (40mm) and would require more modelling to erase all the Chaos and Khorne elements...

So replacing bearer's head with the Chieftain's one could work actually. I guess I'd have to greenstuff the hair though...

And what about  the mace? Where could I find one like that? And shield? Because he is supposed to be a Wight King with shield (even though he doesn't have one on the picture).

Thanks for your feedback, really appreciate that! :) 



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