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80s models and AOS tournaments


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So, I am lead head and am only collecting old 3rd edition 80s models. (I enjoy the hardcore collectors aspect) as such my armies tend to be crazy looking and totally different from what is available now.


So then if I wanted to play let's say a 2k tournament of AOS with only 3rd edition models (80s chaos dwarfs for LOA) would I be able to? Weapons and equipment loads would be very wysiwyg.. just totally different models.


Are these relics still considered official? 

 The juggernaut I would want to use as a iron demon (has cannons and it's pretty bulky/crushing)

Marauder chaos dwarfs for ironsworn and castellens/other heroes

Crossbow dwarfs converted with guns to be fireglaives (weapon teams also used as characterful fireglaives).


Input from a TO on this would be appreciated!





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1 hour ago, sam585 said:

So then if I wanted to play let's say a 2k tournament of AOS with only 3rd edition models (80s chaos dwarfs for LOA) would I be able to? Weapons and equipment loads would be very wysiwyg.. just totally different models.


Depends on event but I think majority of them would be fine. If I’m doubt, ask the event organisers.

4 minutes ago, RuneBrush said:

Though not a TO, I've seen whole armies of classic miniatures at both GW and non-GW events.  I'm sure that Warhammer Achievements at Blood and Glory even has an achievement if your model is over a certain age!

This!! If in UK go to the Blood and Glory event being held in November. 


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