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Immortality is rather pleasant - A Death project log

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Welcome, mortals, to my new project log of excitement and wonder! 

Here you will find regular updates to my newly risen Death force gathing their bones and skulls to get ready for AoS 2.0.

A little bit about my approach to the hobby: 

I've been playing Warhammer since my early teens – approximately 15 years ago. My focus has always been more on the hobby side, reading about the lore of my favourite factions and putting my very own twist on the models. Painting was never my forte, but I'm commited to taking up the brush after a very long time and see what my hands can manage this time around. I'm also planning to engage more in the game side of things with the new edition, so I want to encourage discussions about the units and their place in the game whenever you feel like you can contribute something to this project.

That being said, I've always prefered units I like aesthetically, even if they were considered sub-par in the current meta. I will continue down this path, but luckily some of the staples of Death lists are really nice models as well, so that's not going to become too big of an issue.

As far as the models go, you can expect to find conversions and minor modifications on most of my stuff, so check out the unit tabs (which I will update with the most recent pictures on a regular basis)!



Vampire Lord, Winged Horror

This guy will be leading my forces for now. It's a kitbash from the Vampire Lord parts you can find in the Zombiedragon box plus the small wings from the Vargheist box.

I went for the Strigoi arms and legs to give him a more feral look and adjusted his pose to resemble a dive from a ledge onto the enemy. The actual ledge has yet to arrive.




Standard dude, lovely model. I'm not planning to change him, but along the road there might be a second Necromancer waiting for you.



Wight King

Same here, I really like the model, so for now he's going to remain as is. Once the mounted Shrouded Knight has been released, however, I can see myself putting this fellow on a fancy new ethereal horse. 



Skellingtons with Spears

Not much to say about these guys. Standard spear Skellies and a beautiful kit.



Dire Wolves

These guys are getting a major overhaul. I strongly dislike the standard kit and Fenris Wolves are just a bit too vanilla for me, so I had to think of another solution. 

Thanks to the kind assistance of @Brad Gamma, I managed to order a few Wolf Skulls from Shapeways that will be combined with Fenris Wolf bodies to get a suitably shocking result. The first test skull has arrived yesterday and I've put together the first Dire Wolf with only minor details missing. The printing material is incredibly reflective, though, so it's kind of hard to make good pictures. Once they are primed, I will post an update. 

 The skulls are a bit large in scale, so I had to bulk up the shoulder area with additional fur. The tounge was added for silliness' sake. I'l probably add a few pieces of fur here  and there and maybe some tendons in the jaw area, but otherwise I'm fairly pleased with the overall look:






Zombie Dragon

This big guy was single-handedly responsible for me starting this project. The kit is just gorgeous and in AoS I could finally use an unridden Zombie Dragon.

I used the Terrorgheist pose in combination with the Zombie Dragon head for a more dynamic pose. 




Group Shot





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4 minutes ago, Lost2Requiem said:

The Vampire Lord is great, a really well executed conversion. What colour scheme are you thinking for the Dire Wolves? I am torn between a ghostly 'Hexwraith' look or more traditional 'zombie dog' for mine (fenris wolves).


Hey, thanks for your kind words!

I haven't decided yet, but I'll probably go for the flesh & bones approach with a bit of ghostly light emerging from the eyesockets.

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15 hours ago, CaptainNippon said:

Thanks to the kind assistance of @Brad Gamma, I managed to order a few Wolf Skulls from Shapeways that will be combined with Fenris Wolf bodies to get a suitably shocking result. The first test skull has arrived yesterday and I've put together the first Dire Wolf with only minor details missing. The printing material is incredibly reflective, though, so it's kind of hard to make good pictures. Once they are primed, I will post an update. 

Hey dude! Thanks for the mention.

Glad to see something printed, it actually looks really cool and seamlessly blends with the model.  I guess the advantage of undead is if there are any flaws in the print, it kind of fits in with the whole decaying vibe. That fur is great too.

That vampire lord looks awesome! Some seriously good kitbashing.

Look forward to seeing the rest.


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