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Thoughts on 'who will get nerfed?'

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27 minutes ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

Plaguetouched should go DOWN in points to 80.  You need 8 units for the battalion so a nice 10 points per unit for a -1 to hit would be a perfect, nice round number. 12.5 points per unit as it is now is to messy. Decimals scare me. 

Plaguetouched should go DOWN to the abyss. Down in points, wth...

Such a frustrating battalion to play against, adding mess to an already infuriating ruleset of Nurgle madness. It should cost 200 points, let Open play deals with it.

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39 minutes ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

Plaguetouched should go DOWN in points to 80.  You need 8 units for the battalion so a nice 10 points per unit for a -1 to hit would be a perfect, nice round number. 12.5 points per unit as it is now is to messy. Decimals scare me. 

You can use 8 units of Chaos Marauders. @ 60 points a unit a full Warscroll Battalion for Plaguetouched could be managed in under 500 points.... It’s just fine... plus ~100 points to get a bonus for those 8 units ... and -1 to hit is pretty huge these days. Especially with the challenge of getting more +hit.

P.S. And Dewey thinks his Decimal system is just fine and isn’t scary at all. If you think that’s bad, you should check out the Tzeentch inspired madness of the Library of Congress system. ;) Either way, it’s much better than fractions. But you can have the Tallyman count it all out in the end.

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8 minutes ago, TheOtherJosh said:

You can use 8 units of Chaos Marauders. @ 60 points a unit a full Warscroll Battalion for Plaguetouched could be managed in under 500 points.... It’s just fine... plus ~100 points to get a bonus for those 8 units ... and -1 to hit is pretty huge these days. Especially with the challenge of getting more +hit.

P.S. And Dewey thinks his Decimal system is just fine and isn’t scary at all. If you think that’s bad, you should check out the Tzeentch inspired madness of the Library of Congress system. ;) Either way, it’s much better than fractions. But you can have the Tallyman count it all out in the end.

Not sure if you realized I was joking. Also you need a hero to fill out the batallion. Also, you would need to remove 3 models per unit to gain the grandfathers blessing special rule...also how would 7x7 marauders be competitive in the slightest???

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24 minutes ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

Not sure if you realized I was joking. Also you need a hero to fill out the batallion. Also, you would need to remove 3 models per unit to gain the grandfathers blessing special rule...also how would 7x7 marauders be competitive in the slightest???

Yeah I caught your joking and was working at playing the straight man to your joke , I was snickering at your decimal point issue and caught that you were being silly. My straight man impression was either amazingly successful or I was stuck being the stooge. :) 

Dewy and the Tallyman and Spoilpox Scrivener with his long list both still think you’re pretty alright. ;) 

Well... it’s actually 7 units of 7, plus a Nurgle marked Lord of Chaos @ 100 points for a total of ~500-520 points. (Mind you that is entirely not legit for Matched Play ... And given that we can’t have that many units that are both under strength and under minimum size it would actually be more points....)

We’re talking competitive? Ptfh ... probably not. You probably would want different units at a bare minimum. 

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10 hours ago, ledha said:

Shooting is worse for killing low wound characters than Kharadron never had and won't had any issue to kill (except a stormcast with mirrorshield behind protectors, i give you that). You'll just have to use 1/2 more skyhook shots. The big baddies that can be a problem for kharadron (LOC, GUO, Alarielle, Nagash, etc) will be way easier to kill with the end of the mystic shield. Sure, not shooting outside of the combat is hard, but let's be honest, most of the kharadron units are pretty much dead as soon as something competent reach them in melee anyway.

And the rule change affect everyone. Skyfire will have trouble to snipe you out, and you'll be happy to prevent 30 savage orruk in a kuniin ruuk to kill your whole army just because you charged them with a gunhauler or 3 skywarden.

And yeah, sorry, but kharadron anti magic, as lame as you think it is, is better than 90% of the armies out there, except Khorne with lot of blood tithe generation, Tzeentch, Wanderers (if they spam spellweaver) or Nagash.

The "nerfed" artifact give one more dispell now, meaning a navigator from barak nar make two dispell at +1 (the same than a lord of change) and THREE one time per game (if you take another one from the realm of Chamon, you can have two navigators doing 4 dispells per turn and 6 one turn per game... and i didn't count the other characters ! ). At range 30". In a army that can reliably obliterate big baddies caster, leaving only the small fries (if they survive with the -1 to hit) that's pretty good.

Look the anti magic of other armies, you'll understand. Ton of armies don't have a dispeller character, or a anti-magic item. Being able to have two dispell with +1 is far from a joke. :D

Shooting is strictly worse overall. KO rely on shooting overall, not just for sniping. No other army is near as heavily invested in shooting as KO. Most other armies focused their shooting on support sniping, but nerfing that just means the top armies will continue to use their copious amount of other options to simply continue to snipe and will not be effected at all, making it not a nerf to tzeentch or stormcast overall, just to a handful of units in those armies, while the shooting changes can’t be anything but a nerf to KO since KO all shoot. Understand?


Have you ever played KO? Barak nar gives nothing but dispels, meaning you lose mobility, or effective damage. The armies that rely on magic to be strong are all effectively undispellable, and you will be playing a strictly worse army against everyone. And here’s the secret, literally any faction in the game can get just as many dispels by.... taking wizards (except compendium armies). And, on top of that, they get to actually cast magic. And most wizards are cheaper than a navigator. And they don’t have to sacrifice their allegiance ability to get dispels. KO anti magic is bad because any battle time army can do the exact same thing just by taking wizards, and sacrifice far less to do so

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Wanderers rely on shooting just a bit ;)


As for KO, there will be points decreases in the generals handbook, gw said as much, and in the latest stormcast interview (episode 7) the guy seems to say, without saying it, that summoning armies (which have some strong magic) will get point increases, so there is that.


Then we have the new realm relics, of which we know very few of, I dare say there will be some anti magic in there, maybe a scroll of some kind ;)

I get that you feel hard done by the shooting 'nerfs' but we really don't know how things will play out in game yet, and despite gw saying that all Warscrolls still will work for the new edition. We know that there is a new scroll design template, I imagine that atleast digitally, alot of battletome scrolls (or hey, maybe all of them) will get updated, maybe some sneaky rule changes will happen there 

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GW has only confirmed that the ships, which were over priced points wise already, were going down. They have been mum on any other units, so we can't be certain what they'll do for them.


Honestly, I feel more hard done by making magic much better and more vibrant and then telling me to buy stormcast to do anything with it.

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