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Helpfull advice for a new Stormcast Eternal player


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I´m a new player to AoS. I bought some ScE miniatures when the game was released but has since not played anything. Now I and my gaming group are thinking to restart AoS and I´m thinking to use my ScE minatures. But I don´t know much about the game and not much about this army. So I´m hoping that you can help me. What should I know and what is a good start? I allready got the armybook and all the minatures from the starterbox.

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My suggestion is to just play some test games using the free warscrolls (download the official app or make sure you get the most up to date PDFs.)  Once you learn the game, and if you still have a general interest in SCE, then pick up the SCE Battletome. Keep in mind, SCE have a LOT of variety, so don't think the starter set is everything. 

Read through the Battletome and see which units and ideas interest you. We can iron out the details from there. As a secondary thing, look at all the other factions and read up on what models look cool to you. Stormcast play nice wit ALL Order, so it is easy to splash in other Order models you like.

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