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                In the age following the retreat of Sigmar and the closing of the gates of Azyr, the fair realm known as the Moon's Eye was one of the first to be assaulted by the forces of Chaos. Massive hordes of Khornate tribesmen from the Lisskani deserts and vast legions of faceless automatons controlled by Tzeentchian sorcerers swept in from the north, leaving desolation in their wake. A hundred cults of the perverse worshippers of Slaanesh made themselves known in violent and horrific fashion, the promises of endless pleasure having seduced many a western citizen. From the east came the diseased scions of Nurgle, bringing with them all manner of plague and pestilence. The mighty kings and dukes of the Moon's Eye were beset upon from many sides, their formidable walls and disciplined soldiers no match for the wrath of the Dark Gods. 


                  What faint hope for victory that remained in the hearts of the faithful was snuffed out quickly and brutally with the fall of the capital city, Amrahal. The armies of the Dark Gods converged on fair Amrahal in an attempt to claim the glory of sacking the great capital. The gilded walls and ivory walls held out for days under the assault, but the ferocity of the savage siege proved to be far too much for even the grand fortifications. The walls were shattered after three months,  three months that saw many on both sides dead, and as the pale white moon rose in the sky  the invaders flooded into the city in such numbers that many of the weak were crushed underfoot. All resistance was momentary at best, and those defenders unlucky enough to be noticed for their martial prowess were turned into grotesque slave soldiers a mockery of what they once were.


                                                        Amrahal burned for eight days and eight nights, and with it, so died the last shard of hope the surviving peoples of the Moon's Eye possessed.  Inevitably the forces of the Ruinous Powers fell into infighting, and the mighty hosts that razed Amrahal splintered and broke, with many champions and lords leaving to forge their own bloody destinies in the shattered world. The situation was grim and hopeless even for the supposedly victorious chaos armies, and the Moon's Eye was sure to be forgotten by all but the wisest of scholars. However, fate changed inexplicably, and as dark and ancient powers turn their eyes to this wartorn desert, tiny seeds of hope and salvation are birthed in secret places for the peoples of this land and as the gates of Azyr open and roar forth the golden hosts of Sigmar, these seeds will bloom into bloody flower. 

 And the Moon's Eye will gaze upon the realms once more!




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