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Legion of night 1K list! Pick it to bits


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Hi guys, haven’t played a legion yet, apart from soulblight which I regularly play. But it’s time to switch and start small. Please critique my list!

VAMPIRE LORD GENERAL- flying horror - unholy impetus - curseblade - vile transference

NECROMANCER - overwhelming dread

40 skeletons - spears & shields

10 dire wolves

2 morghast harbingers - in ambush (maybe spirit halberds)

3 spirit host (summoned via gravesite)

so my plan is ambush with the harbingers. Support either the dogs or skeletons in combat. I want my vamp lord quite close to them for DM and possible activation of unholy impetus.

skeletons claim objectives and smash key units. Same for my wolves, but I understand they won’t hold as well as the skellies.

spirit host will be summoned and hopefully roadblock a unit or even hold a backfield objective if needs be.

vamp lord will support my skellies using vile transference and unholy impetus.

nefromancer will support skellies with selected spells.


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Well, I guess it looks pretty good but as always needs to be tested against poor unsuspecting opponents.

In my thoughts I‘m always going for double morghast and ambush together with  the vamp (deathless, vile trans, command) right into your face, well backstabbing...

need to play more, but my boss, she said get back to work stupid

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Very similar to what I'm running in a tourney in a fortnight.   Basically ambushing the vamp lord and the morghasts (and maybe a unit of wolves depending on the mission),   in a perfect scenario the artifact on the vamp will trigger the command trait along with the command ability to supercharge the morghasts with an additional 2 attacks each.   Meanwhile I still have 40 skeletons with 2 buffing/debuffing necromancers working there way up the table with the Direwolves on "suicide / objective grabbing" missions.

Vampire Lord 
- General
- Command Trait : Unholy Impetus
- Flying Horror
- Artefact : Gem of Exsanguination
- Lore of the Vampires : Amaranthine Orb
- Lore of the Deathmages : Overwhelming Dread
- Lore of the Deathmages : Fading Vigour
40 x Skeleton Warriors
-Ancient Spears
5 x Dire Wolves 
5 x Dire Wolves 
2 x Morghast Harbingers 
-Spirit Halberds
Total: 980 /1000
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After playing today, one advice for your list: the ambush has to wreck face and either destroy a key opponent or score points. Incoming return fire/ attention can easily destroy a single unit of morghast.

Ambushing 40 skellis with their necro could tie a scary unit up in a grind and keep them busy...

maybe a total different approach, not sneaking the hammer in, but a tarpit 

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  • 2 weeks later...

My 1k Legion of Night list would look something like this:


Skellies and Spirit Hosts on Graves (or possibly Spirit Hosts in ambush), Vamp Lord and Morghast in ambush to appear together at critical spots.  This list would be all about being able to appear anywhere I prefer as to avoid getting kited around too much. Thoughts? I put in Fading Vigour because against my local meta it's better, but Overwhelming Dread could go there as well. With this list I would start with only the Necro and the dogs on the map.

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