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Bits for Mutation Conversions


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Hey folks,

I'm trying to plan a mutation/change themed Tzeentch/Slaves to Darkness army revolving around Spawn, Mutalith, Forsaken etc. but I'm struggling to find suitable conversion bits, and my own greenstuff skills are sadly lacking. GW used to do a mutation sprue, but its since been discontinued and are pretty hard to find online. The Forsaken models that they sold briefly are similarly rare/extortionate, and there's only so much that can be done with Chaos Spawn kit. So with that said,  does anyone know any 3rd-party companies that produce mutation bits, or know of good GW kits that can be plundered for bits? 




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The Forsaken really was the treasure trove for a mutated arm or an extra claw. Maxmini do this Mutation set  resin kit, not tried it but looks good, and reviews have been good. My alternative has been hoarding all my forsaken bits and old mutations, though it;s dwindling now, I find buying the odd piece from miniature bits stores help. Especially bits from the Daemon range like Daemonette claws, plague bearer heads, Tzaangor heads, Tyranid bits, genestealer hybrid bits are awesome. And the last one is the Gal Vorbak and the Anakatis Kul. I made by Forsaken directly from them as I wanted them to be fairly large brutes, the bits they have are pretty cool too, easy to convert too into fantasy. At the moment I'm on the hunt for some extra large mutation bits to convert some larger than usual Chaos Hounds. 



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Maxmini kit is a bit small for anything bigger than a Chaos Maurauder, I've been using it and it's really not that great.

CSM Possessed have a load of useable parts, and Chaos Spawn, Warhounds and Blight Kings all help

Mixing in Daemon parts helps if you want a more "part way to daemon" type use.


Personally I'd kill to get a Forsaken kit right now

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