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How are Wight Kings now?


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Quick question: considering the new changes and how things have set up after the LoN book, do you think Wight Kings have a spot on most of Death armies now, or they should be replaced with Necromancers or Vampire Lords instead? From what I'm hearing I'd say most players are considering Wight Kings quite useless compared to these other heroes.

For instance, I was actually thinking of picking up a Wight King on steed to back up a unit of 10 Black Knights and so increasing the Deathly Invocation and healing effects on this unit, trying to keep them alive as long as possible. But I'm not so sure about it honestly.

What do you think?

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Wight kings are bad unless you take the deathmarch. Even then don't make him general over a vamp lord outside of LoNight.

In LoNight they can be fun because in cover in your territory they have a 1+ save and you can make them -1 to hit.

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They are worse cause the losing of the stendard.


Better  cause they heal SUMMONABLE units. and the Great Axe one cause before was neglected to only consider the one with the sword, now should be the opposite; unless you want it riding, cause the one with the sword is the only one that can ride.

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Black Axe's armor is a lot worse than before.  It used to halve normal and mortal wounds allocated to it on a per unit bases.  Now it only halves normal wounds on a per attack basis (so it does nothing against damage 1 attacks), and does nothing against mortal wounds.

Deathly invocation is nice and all, but it doesn't make up for those losses, especially when its already there to make up for the loss of healing banners on our units.

Wight Kings are just bad, except as a formation tax for the deathmarch.  Only run them for thematic or aesthetic reasons.  Or as a general in 1000 point or less games using Legion of Sacrament, where they can be a wizard from a command trait and have some decent protection from shooting from artefacts.  Even then, a necromancer is probably a better general, even without the wight king's offensive command ability, thanks to the extra look out sir (though that doesn't work on mortals anymore, either),

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