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Slaves to darkness main strategy?


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Yeah in and of themselves StD aren't top tier. They aren't terrible by any means, you can have pretty good success with Godsworn Champions of Ruin  or Ruinbringer Warband but the main problem is that they lack hitting power. A lot of their stuff is pretty tough and Knights/Chariots give you some decent mobility. One of their main strengths is Sayl the Faithless. His spell is one the most powerful mobility spells in the game and specifically only works for StD units. 

They're not too shabby at objective play either as a big block of Chaos Warriors is a huge pain to shift and aren't terrible at hitting back either.

The main thing that they're useful for is plugging gaps in god specific armies. About the only thing they can excel in themselves is probably the "Bravery Bomb" tactic. A Chaos Lord on Manticore marked Slaanesh, with Lord of Terror and Helm of the Oppressor with a unit of Knights nearby will ditch units bravery by 5. So you only have to cause a few casualties directly, add in some summoned Furies and you'll be adding even more lost models to the battleshock test.    

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Slaves to Darkness, have some of the best Stock Infantry in the Grand Alliance. But they also have some of the best Cavalry. 

The Pure 'Slave to Darkness' list I have been considering is. 

  • 30 Chaos Warriors In one Large Block. 
  • 2 Chaos Sorcerer Lord on foot
  • 1 Lord on Daemonic Mount. 
  • 1 Lord on Manticore 
  • Sayl the Faithless 
  • 15 Harauder Horsemen (MSU)
  • 10 Chaos Knights (MSU)

This list works in a few ways. 

In a standard line up and fight, the Warriors form a bunker behind which the Sorcerer's sit, with Sayl. The rest of the army moves forward and harrasses the oponent as the warriors move up the table buffed by the Sorcerers. Sayl is used to teleport if need, though one trick is to pull Chaos Knights out of combat to allow them to make another charge again. If the opponent pushes forward at you the army moves behind the Warrior Screen. 

I have to fine tune it and the hero selection needs to be worked on, but that's the principle of the list. It klinda echos the type of warfare proposed by in the 'Tactica'  military treatise written by or on behalf of Byzantine Emperor Leo VI the Wise in c. 895–908.  The principle being that Mass ranks of Infantry (Heavy mixed with Light)  should form a moving Castle, which allows the  Heavy Cavalry addance out off, but retreat into should it be needed. Or in AOS terms. The Infantry Hold the table, as the Cav move quickly to pick of units shooting down opponents champions and  Synergys

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Definitely a tricky faction to play. The knights are the hardest hitting units so getting the most out of them is key to doing well.

I dont rate the basic chariot however the gorebeast chariots can do a job.

The Sorcerer Lord's spell is great although he is expensive (don't forget the extra ability to allow one unit to reroll saves of 1 which kind of makes up for the high cost).

Haven't seen the bravery bomb tactic in action but it could be viable. However with battleshock being one of the easiest things to mitigate (via inspiring presence or numerous other buffs found in most armies) it would need to be deployed carefully.

Dont forget with Sayl, knights and warriors get +1" to charge from their musician so after being teleported they only need an 8" charge- very doable!

The allegiance abilities are nice but even with a full slaves army you might be better off aligning with one of the Gods and using their allegiance instead.

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On 30/12/2017 at 11:37 AM, SpiritofHokuto said:

Yeah in and of themselves StD aren't top tier. They aren't terrible by any means, you can have pretty good success with Godsworn Champions of Ruin  or Ruinbringer Warband but the main problem is that they lack hitting power. A lot of their stuff is pretty tough and Knights/Chariots give you some decent mobility. One of their main strengths is Sayl the Faithless. His spell is one the most powerful mobility spells in the game and specifically only works for StD units. 

They're not too shabby at objective play either as a big block of Chaos Warriors is a huge pain to shift and aren't terrible at hitting back either.

The main thing that they're useful for is plugging gaps in god specific armies. About the only thing they can excel in themselves is probably the "Bravery Bomb" tactic. A Chaos Lord on Manticore marked Slaanesh, with Lord of Terror and Helm of the Oppressor with a unit of Knights nearby will ditch units bravery by 5. So you only have to cause a few casualties directly, add in some summoned Furies and you'll be adding even more lost models to the battleshock test.    

i dunno... running them in fatesworn or plaguetouched makes them rather good. even the khorne one is kinda strong, but works better with bloodbound ill admit 

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  • 1 month later...
16 hours ago, Patapoef said:

The furies sounds very fun. But the deamons of chaos dont seem to be allies. I was looking into making a bravery bomb myself and saw that as an option. Since we play mostly thematic i dont think my opponent will mind though.

You can just summon the Furies in and circumvent breaking your allegiance. That being said it looks like Nurgle is the way to go for a "Bravery Bomb" list as with taking stuff like Skin Wolves, Bile Troggoths and Chaos Knights together with the Mortal Nurgle stuff it's reasonable to get multiple units to -4/-5 Bravery.

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  • 2 weeks later...
3 hours ago, Tailessine said:

Can marauder horsemen be battleline? I like the idea of a raider force with nothing but horsemen and chariots, possibly some chaos hounds as a 'hunting pack'

Yeah this is no issue when you pick the Slaves to Darkness Allegiance. They become Battleline, so do Chariots and yeah you can then completely emulate what you stated, a hunting pack/cavalry force.


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