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Game 7 new BoK army v Slaanesh Invaders REMATCH

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Hi all, game 7 with my new-ish (can I still say that now?) Blades of Khorne army, versus Tom Meaker and his Slaanesh Invaders Slaves of Darkness army… REMATCH from last week!

Over the weekend whilst drinking responsibly I challenged him to a rematch and grudge game lol!!

Was this a wise move – who would win this epic Daemon Legion show-down?

Lol grab a cuppa, this is a long one…!?!?

We played 2000 points, matched play and Knife to the Heart mission.

I took my usual Gore Pilgrims list, backed up with double BT’s that I have run for last 4 odd games now…

Tom took the same list as last week with a slight tweak;

Sayl, an Exalted Keeper of Secrets (EKoS), a Chaos Lord on Daemon Mount, 10 Slaanesh Chosen, 2 x 5 Hellstriders, 20 Daemonettes and 2 x 30 Daemonettes.

I still think this a cracking list with loads of buffs.

Highlights and learnings were=

- I went first as I only had 6 drops

- In the end T1 I went first, T2 he did, T3 I did, T4 he did, T5 I did

- This time my deployment was slightly different, as I had both BT’s apart, with the WoKBT more on my left, and the IRBT more right centre

- Bloodletters were more off centre too, with the normal characters centre of my off-centre deployment, and Blood Reavers to the rear and Blood Warriors to the flanks

- Tom deployed his big blocks of Daemonettes mainly centre but perhaps around 30” away, with a meat shield of a line of 20 Daemonettes in front around 26” away (I think he was scared of a T1 charge lol?!)

- T1 and T2 for me was little action, as I wanted to try something new / different and instead I moved units more around the flanks and opened up my centre, having a big block of Bloodletters sitting there

- This movement and tactic really confused Tom lol, and he spent ages trying to figure out what I was trying to do

- His T2 he went for the trap, and moved some Hellstriders and teleported his choppy Chosen onto my left flank aiming for a charge on my bait and WoKBT. He also moved his scary EKoS from the middle towards my right flank, which meant he had 2 blocks of Demonettes in the centre unsupported

- T2 he charged his Chaos Lord into my Blood Warriors on my right flank, and supported them / debuffed me with his Hellstriders and -1 to hit

- T3 I open my Portal for the first time, and I swung my WoKBT from the left flank into the middle aiming for his Daemonettes, and leaving his units on my left a little out of it for a turn, though I only managed a 1” run lol!!! My plan was Lord of the Blood Hunt on himself and to do a mega run and charge and fly over to the back of his lines and attack from the rear…

- I then managed to fail some central and key charges on my 30 Bloodletters and my IRBT, literally think I needed like a 7 or something at the most!?!

- Over on my right, I charged my block of Bloodletters into his Chaos Lord and his Hellstriders

- Bloodletters totally fluffed against his Chaos lord, however the Blood Warriors managed to take 4 wounds off him, leaving him on a single wound doh! 

- Bloodletters then also whiffed against the Hellstriders lol

- In the centre, the WoKBT missed with 4 attacks / hits on the Daemonettes, only killing I think 12 in the end (but I got a Blood Tithe for my ‘Mark of the Deathdealer’ artefact)

- By T3 also, the Slaughterpriests proceeded to fail their Bloodboil Prayers (again), having only managed to cast it once in 4 attempts over 2 turns

- By this stage also, due to the new Slaanesh GHB2 artefacts and rules means up to 3 Characters can use their Command abilities, so Tom was cleverly casting Inspiring Presence all over the place and this was key in keeping his Daemonettes alive for so long in the centre 

- T3 his turn I lose the centre lol…

- 30 Daemonettes pile in and attack twice on my IRBT

- Wave 1 lol the 30 Daemonettes attack the IRBT with 41 attacks (25mm bases), generating 18 more attacks due to EKoS one game effect of hitting on +1 meaning they hit on 3's (generating extra attacks on 4's)

- I have 23 saves to make on a 5+, and fail exactly 14 

- Dead IRBT

- My WoKBT swings back against the other unit of Daemonettes, killing 12, but they're piling in and attacking twice (dam you Chaos Lord and dam you 25mm bases lol) 

- 37 attacks back, 14 extra attacks, 20 Total wounds, 16 fails 

- Dead WoKBT

- T4 he goes first, and at the end of his hero phase I burned 6 Tithe points for Murderlust and to charge from my right flank into the centre to tie up his Daemonettes

- Rolled 3" failed change / needed a 6 noooooo what a waste!!!

- Got counter charged by EKoS with Mystic Shield on

- In the centre his battered 2 units of Daemonettes go into my main Bloodletter unit

- Another bonus 14 attacks and more Bloodletters die…

- The EKoS killed 19 Bloodletters wowsers he’s a monster – that’s my right flank totally gone now too lol!!

- By now the whole centre’s a bloodbath as there are Bloodbound Characters in combat with his Chosen, the last of my Bloodletters taking on 2 units of battered Daemonettes and his Hellstriders… His EKoS is still loose and a menace…

- Khorne go to work and we kill everything off, apart from 2 Hellstriders dam you lol…

- T5 I go first, and by now he has an EKoS on full wounds and Sayl hiding controlling his rear objective

- I burn more Blood Tithe points for a free Hero pile in and kill off the last Hellstriders, meaning I can now try and get back onto the centre / right so I can then take on the EKoS

- I get a charge off on the EKoS and do 10 wounds, and then he kills literally whole unit and all 14 odd I had left…

The end…

Scores on the doors at the end of the game was I had left 570 points and he had left Sayl and his EKoS and 620 points. We both started at 1980 points so kill points he killed 50 points more than me..

Turn 5 I made a key mistake and charged his EKoS with some Bloodletters as thought could do 15 wounds. He had Mystic Shield on for 2+ save and I only did 10 of the 15 wounds needed…

That meant I threw away a 270 point unit, whereas because he was probably in charge range, I should have fed him a cheap character or something instead doh!

Slaanesh is a very good counter to Khorne, as whilst we build up out hit modifiers they can easily negate them. Bloodletters and Daemonettes are the same in terms of save and so on, however Bloodletter can hit more easily, however Daemonettes can hit more.

The EKoS and the artefacts they have, and being able to lay down double hit modifiers can be brutal when played right.

Great game and lots of learning!



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4 hours ago, Gillbilly said:

Thank you for sharing! 

Khorne won the moral victory as there was only a quarter of the points left on the board....

Khorne cares not from where the blood flows!!

Hey dude thanks for the reply..

Yes indeed moral victory as I had more left!!!

If you ever face one of the Forgeworld Exalted Keeper of Secrets kill it before it gets on the table lol!! It easily has the potential to walk through half my army ?

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