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Just joined, where is the search function?


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Heard there was a list for the upcoming christmas bundles from GW. Want to know what's in them as the picture is blurry.

I also heard this is becoming the go-to forum. ....which I find hard to believe since I don't see a search function.

Edit: nevermind, found it waaaay at the top.

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Welcome to the forums!  Guess you mean the Christmas Battleforce army bundles rather than the scenery ones (which as @Uveron says are on the GW site).  


Kharadron: 1xAdmiral; 10xArkanauts; 3xEndrinriggers; 1xFrigate; 1xGunhauler

Vanguard: 1xLord-Aquilor; 5xHunters; 3xPalladors; 3xRaptors; 6xGryph-hounds

Death: 1xWight King; 1xNeferata; 2xMorghasts; 10xSkeletons; 10xGrave Guard

Tzeentch: 1xShaman; 10xTzaangor; 20xAcolyltes; 3xEnlightened

This is best guess as the pic isn't the greatest :D  I'm not 100% sure the Death character is right either as there it's on a round base and doesn't quite look like any in the range.

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12 hours ago, Peacemaker said:

I also heard this is becoming the go-to forum. ....which I find hard to believe since I don't see a search function.

Edit: nevermind, found it waaaay at the top.

Welcome to the forum. Hopefully now that you have seen the search function right there at the top of the main page you will not find it so hard to believe! ;) 

The search function is actually pretty decent as well, but give us a shout if you can't find what you're looking for. Plenty of super friendly & helpful people here :) 

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thanks everyone.

the KO one was hard to see, looked like there might have been a second character in that one. Still a good deal though.

I'm totally getting the KO and the Tau boxes. Thinking about a 3rd box.

was tempting to go tzeentch but I just don't like those acolyte models. ....and the genestealer cults were announced so I might get that.





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