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BunkhouseBuster's Painting & Project Log - Current Projects

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Hello, everyone!

Now that I've made some actual painting progress on my Ironjawz army, I figured it would be a good time to start up a thread to showcase my models as I get them painted up.  It's a slow process for me due to the little free time I do have to do hobbying stuff anymore, but after a mostly free past two weeks, I have been able to make substantial progress on my models, and get some Ironjawz painted up to near-completion.  So as I start to finish models, I'll be posting up pictures here of them to provide some inspiration to others for their own models.

And since not all of you visit the Destruction sub-Forum here at TGA, I figure I'll go ahead and make a thread here to show off my models (so if this thread seems repetitive, that's why ;) ).  Also, I'll show off all of my models that I get painted up, not just my Ironjawz.  This thread will be a collection of all my AoS painted models, whether Ironjawz, Dispossessed, Scenery, Chaos, 3rd-party models, whatever!

And to start this thread off, here's pictures of my Maw-krusha!  I picked the color scheme and based it of off the Osage Copperhead species of snake, one of the few venomous snakes species native to my home state of Missouri, USA.  Enjoy!  Let me know what you think.  And don't mind the camera flash; turns out that my camera's flash is better for lighting than the lamp in my room (the lighting is really good during the day, so I'll aim for daylight next time).  And now I need to figure out the basing and get him playable.


I'll get more up here soon, with any luck.  I need to dig through my tubs and see if I can find any of my painted models.

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This looks really great man! I like the color scheme. What is your plan for the guy up top?  I think the only thing i'd recommend you trying a light drybrush of a little more saturated orange on top of that brown. I think the warmth would help to get some more contrast to the beast than the brown values it has right now. Id slso recommend lightly dryrbushing the belly a little lighter as you move furter towards the middle of the belly. It tends to give it a more naturalistic look. Amd it will help to give a comtrast between the skin and the scale. You can do the same drubrush to the wings too. 

I hope that is of any help moving further with this awesome idea you have rolling! I cant wait to see your finished product. :)

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Really like the natural colour choice here and particularly useful for me as I was thinking of something similar :D. I was looking at using the one poisonous snake species here in the UK - the adder - and applying it's colour pattern to a Seraphon army. May never happen, but you've definitely shown me that it works.

Really looking forward to seeing more paint go on this guy and it just goes to show that when you're the only poisonous snake, or in this case the biggest, meanest reptile around, you don't need to mess around with bright colours!

Great work


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@Lysandestolpe Thanks!  My plan for the Megaboss is to paint him up like I've done on a few Ironjawz already (but haven't taken pictures of yet).  Red armor with light blue skin is the plan, with metallic and bone colors as needed for the bitz.  I'm liking the results so far on other models, and hopefully I can get them finished up and share them here soon.

And I'll think about drybrushing more on him.  I did some, but it doesn't show up really well in the pictures (the camera kind of blended some of the colors together).  I'm also wary of doing too much else to it since I have gone overboard on drybrushing before without meaning to.  I'll keep it in mind though!

2 hours ago, Tzaangor Management said:

Really like the natural colour choice here and particularly useful for me as I was thinking of something similar :D. I was looking at using the one poisonous snake species here in the UK - the adder - and applying it's colour pattern to a Seraphon army. May never happen, but you've definitely shown me that it works.

Really looking forward to seeing more paint go on this guy and it just goes to show that when you're the only poisonous snake, or in this case the biggest, meanest reptile around, you don't need to mess around with bright colours!

Great work

Quoted because I couldn't mention you with the @ tag.

Thanks!  I didn't follow the pattern of the Copperhead too closely, but I did take the colors and tried to use them on the model in ways that complemented it.  I highly recommend using nature for ideas for coloring animals and beasts - Mother Nature has done some good work in the coloration department ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've been posting updates in other threads, but I've been forgetting my PLog!  Let me rectify that.  I have to say, I am mightily impressed with how the TGA Forums handles images for adding into posts.  It's even easier than Facebook, and certainly easier than DakkaDakka or other forums I've been on.  Anyways...


Here's my Megaboss on Maw-krusha.  I may still yet do some work on the Megaboss himself, I may go back to his eyes, or someday add the icon that fits into his back-plate, but I'm focussing on getting more models up to this level.


Here's the rest of me Ironjawz painted up to the same level as the Megaboss.  There is a bit more to do on some of them (brightening the skin, some detail work, and more drybrushing), but you can get a good idea of their color scheme.  Now to worry about basing...


The next batch of my Ironjawz army.  2 Brute Squads, Gore-grunta squad, and a Gargant.  One step at a time!


And now, some non-GW models for the heck of it.  Can anyone else figure out what I've got in here?  I'll give you a hint, they are from the Reaper Bones 3 Kickstarter, and there's the parts to 4 separate models in here.  Also, two of them will make appropriate substitution models for Forge World items, while the other 2 are from the C'thulu mythos.  I started assembling them last night, and hope to finish them up soon and add them to my collection.

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Here's an update!  I'm calling my Megaboss on Maw-krusha done for the time being, as is my Brutes, Gore-gruntas, Ardboys, Warchanter, and Wierdnob.  Just need to figure out basing.




And also, I assembled the Reaper Bones models that I had ready the other night.  They are now assembled.  Behold!  Goremaw (to be played as a Dread-maw), Marthrangul (to be played as a Magma Dragon), a C'thulu monster of some kind, and Shub Niggurauth (just for fun :) ).  Warchanter for scale.




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