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Slaves to darkness and Khorne


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Hi! Well there are somethings I assume you mean so that's why there are two awnsers to your question here:

1. Slaves to Darkness Warscrolls do not have the Bloodbound Keyword and therefor cannot be (Khorne) Bloodbound Allegiance. (Currently, as per GH2017 the Bloodbound Allegiance also doesn't do anything.)
2. Slaves to Darkness Warscrolls in many cases do have acces to the Khorne Keyword and therefor can be Khorne Allegiance. We currently assume that the Allies tied to the Blades of Khorne Faction are the same allies tied to the Khorne Allegiance also we arn't 100% certain as the GH2017 doesn't cover that information in a particular clear way. 

As a sidenote, you currently can choose between Allegiances but the moment you do so you have to follow all optional abilities, which Artefacts are a part of. So even if your army consists out of many Slaves to Darkness Keyword Units, the moment you choose the Khorne Allegiance you do not have acces to any abilities available in the Slaves to Darkness Allegiance.

In addition not all Artefacts from the Khorne Allegiance are available to all units that have the Allegiance available. There is a list of Artefacts for units with the following Keywords: Mortal (Slaves to Darkness and Bloodbound can make use of this), Bloodbound Totems (only Bloodsecrator can make use of this), Bloodbound (exclusive) and there are two Artefact lists for Daemons. This same trifecta applies to Command Traits. 
This is imporant to keep in mind because some of the Bloodbound Artefacts and Daemon Command Traits are extremely potent but exclusive to certain units. 

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20 minutes ago, TGCMactar said:

so you can still have them in the same army but you would have to use the undivided artifacts and traits if you dont want restrictions to ally points?

Well you have to choose an Allegiance and abide to the abilities granted to them. Allies are typical in that they specifally dont have to match thr Allegiance, where before with Gh2016 this was impossible to do.

It boils down to, pick either Chaos Allegiance, Slaves to Darkness Allegiance or Khorne Allegiance, then for the latter two Allies rules allow you to include units outside of those Allegiances. However units outside of them also dont benifit from them.

Things get less complicated when you give a sketch of what you are going to play :)

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If your StD unit can take the Khorne keyword (even if it declares it on deployment), and you take Khorne as a keyword, then it's a Khorne unit, and is eligible for BtK allegiance.  This is covered on p 78 of the BtK book, in the box on the left.

For example, the list I'm currently running uses two units of Khorne-marked knights and a unit of Khorne-marked chaos warriors.  They have the Khorne keyword, and are eligible for a BtK allegiance.

If you wanted to include StD units that can't take a mark, or that had a mark different than khorne (Nurgle Knights, or something), then they'd have to be allied.


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I think its pretty clear about choosing allegiance. If you give everything the Khorne keyword you can choose a Khorne allegiance.


Allies is more open to interpretation.

The way I interpret it is that If I want to take allies and have chosen Khorne allegiance, then I choose from the Blades of Khorne allies list.

BUT... I also think its valid to say that because your army is at least 80% Slaves to Darkness you can choose from their allies list so I definitely wouldn't worry if someone wanted to read it that way.

I don't think there is a lot of advantage to be gained either way so most people will probably be cool with it whatever you do. Probably a good idea to check with the TO in advance if you are taking it to a competitive event though.

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5 minutes ago, Fireymonkeyboy said:

I thought ally options were based off your allegiance?  Or am I making assumptions again?


Technically yes, but Blades of Khorne is not an Allegiance option.

Long story short, we dont know what overrides what and when when it comes to Chaos because several Factions have multiple Allegiance options.

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