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Shadespire Sepulchral Guard in AOS


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7 minutes ago, Jgregs said:

Do you think GW will release rules for the Sepulchral Guard so they can be used in AOS?

They would make a cool elite unit.

Im definitely buying the box and using them in my death rattle.

They have said that they will release AOS rules for all the Shadespire models so we should get them.  I hope they have some cool AOS rules.  I want maybe a new mechanic or some similar new twist to make them really neat, not just a better Grave Guard.

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It was thinking their rules would be something like the following.

1. Ability to appear any where on the board similiar to  Fyreslayer magmic tunneling.

2. Leader can bring back D3 models and has deathless minions ability.

3. Their stats should be similiar to basic skeletons but with maybe  3 attacks each and the ability to inflict mortal wounds on a 6.

All that for like 160 points


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On 10/2/2017 at 5:00 PM, Jgregs said:

1. Ability to appear any where on the board similiar to  Fyreslayer magmic tunneling.

This could be good.  Would help out Death Rattle armies in particular as they tend to be a little slow.  I just want something new.  It seems like they are throwing the alternate deployment rule around an awful lot (which I think is a good thing generally, most armies should have access to this). I just want something new and unique that could help set Death apart a bit.  They still have a lot of design space to work with.

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