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Skeletons Legionnaires as Chafe, one big unit or many small?


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So I'm curious how everyone feels the best way to run skeletons is when their role is chafe? (so won't expect to get a bunch of layered buffs from say Settra and others). My main goal for them is to tie up enemy units an maybe sit on objectives. Currently I'm torn between a big unit of 30 and 3 units of 10.

The big unit of 30 certainly has more hitting power due to the extra attacks but it also is way more vulnerable to battleshock. It also can only be in one place at once time. I'm leaning towards MSU though but just wondering what everyone else's experience is?


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While the hitting power of a big unit of skeletons is great, the staying power of multiple small units isn't to be underestimated, given the ability for each unit to regenerate models.

This topic might provide some additional thoughts (skeletons were specifically brought up as an interesting example):


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It depend.

I use both, but for small units I prefer zombies usually, so to evetually being able to combine them.

Small units are good to conquer objectives (even if now with some new scenarios their role is a little diminuisched.

Big units are more sturdy, moreover the skeleton ones (with pikes). In any case anyway I prefer to use 30 strong pikesheletons cause I find them more manouvrable than the 40 ones, anyway it has to be taken note that 40 ones strong has the discount and it's not something to doubt about, moreover cause you hae more margin in preserving the bonuses about the big unit even losing more models.

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