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Introducing a friend with Khorne Daemons


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Hi all.

Seeking some knowledge from you blood crazes lunatics for a friend. I'm in the process of convincing a mate to try AoS and he is looking to settle on Khorne Daemons to play both AoS and 40k if he wants to.


My question is what is the best entry kit for him to buy that is good value and will give him a real flavour of the army.

I have recommended the start collecting set but as it's an army I haven't touched I don't know how good of a set it is.

Any tips or suggestions greatly appreciated



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Disclaimer: apart from skirmish and small AoS (500pt) never played daemons in large game... However, have spent time pondering exactly this as a second army and entry to 40k.. so my suggestion....

Buy the start collecting and give them a game, show them what it's all about ...then, if they like, get another start collecting... This will give them two battleines (bloodletters) then I suggest a centre piece, either Skarbrand or Bloodthirster and/or another big thing they like... That should give them around 1000pts to start with.


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The primary issue of Khorne daemons is a lack of diversity.  That's not saying it's bad, just saying he needs to prepare for painting a lot of the same thing.  Bloodletters are going to be fielded in hordes of 30 man units ideally.  If he wants to avoid painting up 120 bloodletters he could take Karanak as his general and run some fleshhounds as battleline too (this works well when using a Blood Hunt Battalion too), but he'll still likely want to be running x2 30 man units of Bloodletters.  Murderhost battalion is one of the key working battalions in the BoK book, so make sure to look into that.

2 of the start collecting boxes with get him a good solid base of stuff.  3 will do better though.  It will get him 30 Bloodletters, 9 Bloodcrushers (good for 40k) 3 Skull Cannons, and 3 Heralds.  Expand then into buying either more Bloodletters (in groups of 30) or Fleshhounds for battleline rolls and then start grabbing Bloodthirsters and Karanak.

The Bloodsecrator is going to be difficult to pass up on as he just benefits all Khorne armies so much.  Can you have fun without him?  Sure.  But the power gap between having one (or 2!) and not having one is huge and notable.  So yeah, Bloodsecrator is worth picking up 1 or 2 of even as a purely Daemons list.

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