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New Info about Races in GH 2017


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New post from GW shows alot of new stuff but, im gonna talk about what isn't shown. 

It looks like we are going to have a consolidation of several factions, based off the table of contents. Several current factions are missing like Iron weld and I think they've been rolled in to other factions.

Factions like the Collegiate, Daughters, Ironweld, Eldritch, Warherds, are gone, probably rolled into other factions,

Something very curious is the seeming lack of the aelves, we only have Darkling Covens, and Wanderers, maybe some new is on the horizon, or are they just rolling everything into those two?

Also curious is the absence of Nurgle, there's only Skaven Pestilens and I can't imagine them rolling all of nurlge into that, maybe a new tome is on the horizon for them? 

Notice anything else interesting?

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