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Larger units or 2 smaller ones?

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Depending on how you intend to buff the bloodletters id go for a unit of 30 if you can. Your opponent only has to kill 1 otherwise to drop it's +1 to hit bonus. 30 bloodletters with +1 to hit and a bloodsecrator is probably my most successful unit combo

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I'd say larger for Daemons as they get bonuses based on the unit size.  20 is border line useful though.  If you're going against an opponent with any kind of ranged ability you need only lose one model and also lose the bonus.

However, if you're using them for holding objectives, I'm a big fan of smaller units as it gives you more flexibility.

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5 hours ago, ChaosUnited said:

@Somanlius tbh my force is mixed chaos (mainly nurgle and khorne). 

Ah so i suggest 30s then. The +1 to hit bonus for the Bloodletter will be much harder to break, needing 11 kills. Since they would mortal wound on 5+(or even 4+ with Lord of War / Dark Avenger and possibly 3+ if you manage an Unpedictable Destruction) they can become devistating. Add in Sayl the Faithless and a Bloodthirster for an 18" flying move + the ability to run and charge and you've got a terrifying mobile killing unit. If you manage to get a Bloodstoker and Bloodsecrator nearby with a Daemon hero and Daemonic Power those Bloodletter can be the most feared unit on the table for a turn. 

As for the Plaguebearers, they make a great tarpit with 30, since the -2 to hit with shooting and Disgusting Resiliance make them really hard to whittle down. And sometimes you can even manage to bring d6 models back !

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