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High Queen Khalida without Settra, viable?


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So, I've always quite liked the concept of High Queen Khalida both story wise and the idea of a relentless army of undead shooting. Also one of my friends runs Neferata so would be a fun narrative to add to our games. :)

Only problem is I'm really struggling to figure out a way to make her work as a general in a way that is even remotely competitive. With Settra getting smoked with the good ole nerf bat for GH2.0 it isn't really as practical anymore to layer command abilities to buff skeleton archers through the roof.

Thus I've been trying to figure out a strong mechanism for using her as the general but I've really been struggling. Perhaps she is just not competitively viable? Her command ability is really good since its an aura with infinite range but in terms of sheer potency giving up the 5+ death save bubble feels really harsh. She is also so easy to focus down by any army with shooting since she is so squishy which is not good when she is a linchpin for the army. (even if you have a herald or two bringing up her effective wound count) Presumably I could just hide her in a corner behind cover all game but I'm not really feeling like the +1 to hit is actually enough to make the list viable.

Big units of skeleton archers with her aura and righteous smiting certainly offer a reasonable threat but I feel like it needs a bit more to be viable. Was wondering if anyone had any luck running a list themed around her? (Even if it requires adding in Death models from other death factions other than TKs?)

PS: Whats the consensus on whether she buffs the catapult or not? (The crew, which is presumably firing the weapon has the deathrattle keyword but the the catapult does not)

thanks for any advice!!





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Settra is not able to buff the shooting of Skeleton Archers anyway, since his command ability only works in the combat phase. The biggest hit to Khalida lists was the three rules of one, limiting us to one cast of Righteous Smiting per turn. Regarding the catapult, it's quite clear. Once you deploy the catapult and crew, they are treated as separate units in every single way. Khalida can buff the crewmen, but they don't have a shooting attack on the profile. The catapult does have a shooting attack, but cannot be buffed due to not having the right keywords.

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For sure, def aware Settra's buff doesn't help Archer shooting, but his command ability does allow for Khalida and a Tomb King to layer their command abilities to maximize to bring their hit to 3+ (4+ to generate additional attach with Righteous Smiting). He also brings a fair bit of added mobility and gives archers some combat threat when they inevitably do get charged,  so I'd say he a powerful force multiplier in a TK shooting focused army, its just his pts cost has become a bit restrictive assuming the teased pts increases for GH2.0 become final. 

As it stands I'm thinking the best way to run Khalida now is using horse archers and chariots to zip around the enemy battle line causing disruption while a single max unit size squad of skeleton archers gets given the smiting buff so they can delete a unit per turn. But, it seems very fragile to me and can be easily disrupted by enemies focusing down the very critical, but squishy heroes. 

Of hand I was thinking about a list that would be something like this:


High Queen Khalida (120) - General

Necrotect (100)

Tomb Herald (100)

Tomb Herald (100)

Liche Priest (120) 


40 x Skeleton Archers (400)

3 x Skeleton Chariots (140)

3 x Skeleton Chariots (140)

5 x Skeleton Horse Archers (140)

5 x Skeleton Horse Archers (140)

3 x Ushabti (120)

Screaming Skull Catapult (120)

Screaming Skull Catapult (120)

Total: 1860pts (140pt summoning pool to summon skeleton warrior chafe)


It feels like an ok list but not great, I know I could boost it by including a sphynx but I don't own one and they are a bit pricey on ebay these days. I feel like at 2k I'd have a tough time dealing with certain armies and I also suspect Khalida would get sniped down quite quickly, even if double bodyguards. 

An alternative build might be to go heavier on the chariots to run a "Royal Legion of Chariots" battallion, with 2 chariots per unit resurrecting per turn thanks to the Herald and all the chariots hitting on 3+ when shooting (+1 from Khalida, and +1 from the battalion) I suspect there might be something there, unfortunately the Tomb King in Chariot feels like a big tax but he could zip down flanks as a harassment unit, with the healing sword he could be reasonably difficult to kill. I'd have to buy a whole ton of chariot models though on Ebay hahah. Could be a fun list to play though. 

Something like this:

High Queen Khalida (120)

Liche Priest (120) - Auto summon book

Tomb Herald (100)

Tomb Herald (100)

Tomb King in Royal Chariot (160) - Healing Sword

6 x Skeleton Chariots (280)

6 x Skeleton Chariots (280)

6 x Skeleton Chariots (280)

6 x Skeleton Chariots (280)

Royal Legion of Chariots (140)

with 140pt summoning pool to bring in some chafe if needed or to summon another 3 chariots


PS: Bummer about the catapult, seems like it goes against the logic but I suppose lots of rules do.

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Well i wouldnt call it army wide since its only a limited bubble but ya, its still pretty damn efficient. Im really hoping that in gh 2.0 they just remove it and give death something baseline to compensate, it really is a drain on the whole faction imo

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Ya, tho the heralds do bring her up to effectively 15. I suspect she would be easier to keep alive than most given that her aura is unlimited range. No real reason to ever have her not hiding behind LOS blocking cover

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