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Adepticon 2017 Championships



After a little more than a month after going the Las Vegas Open I went to Chicago to attend my first Adepticon. I was under the guise of visiting friends and family for a week while fitting in the Age Of Sigmar Championships Saturday and Sunday.

My list was very comparable to what I brought to the LVO. The biggest exceptions being there was no sideboard, and my Chaos Spawn is now exclusively keyworded Tzeentch. Three days before adepticon I banged out 10 Chaos Marauders to replace the Spawn along with making a display board.

My list was as follows:

Allegiance: Chaos
The Glottkin (480)
– General
Bloab Rotspawned (260)
Lord of Plagues (100)
– Artefact : Chaos Runeblade
Rotbringers Sorcerer (100)
– Artefact : Beguiling Gem
5 x Putrid Blightkings (180)
5 x Putrid Blightkings (180)
5 x Putrid Blightkings (180)
5 x Putrid Blightkings (180)
10 x Chaos Warriors (180)
– Hand Weapon & Shield
– Mark of Chaos : Nurgle
10 x Chaos Marauders (60)
– Axes & Shields
– Mark of Chaos : Nurgle
Blight Guard (100)
Total: 2000/2000


As I mentioned before I also created a sideboard. I know my painting skills aren’t that strong and army paint/appearance was 20% of the overall Adepticon score. Making the sideboard, to me, was a new challenge to get more points. I also felt creating a sideboard was a must due to the amount of time other participants would be putting into it themselves. Creating the sideboard was super fun and relatively easy from a technical standpoint. I think from now on I will create one for every army I do.

The TO, Alex Gonzalez, did a great job of taking missions from The Generals Handbook and building on them. Points were scored from 0-30. You got 20 for a major win, 15 for a minor win, 10 for a draw, 5 for a minor loss, and 0 for a major loss. You then had seven secondary objectives to choose from and use once for 0 or 6 points; and tertiary objectives scored either as 0, 2, or 4 points.

IMG_0341.jpg?resize=300%2C225      IMG_0324.jpg?resize=300%2C225

Over the course of two days I played 5 fantastic games. My battle score results were: 30/0/20/11/25. Rather than break down the 5 games I have some takeaways about my list, mistakes I made, things I saw my opponents do, and general ramblings:

  • My games 2 and 4 were against two Nashville area players Davin Griffin (finished 6th) and Cale Thompson (finished 13th).  Both games were based off of Blood and Glory. I tried slightly different tactics each game. Game one I pushed my whole army forward as I had a bad experience of getting blown off my own objectives at LVO… David had two super mobile monsters that capped my objectives and ended the game early. Against Cale I turtled on one objective and moved a flank forward to get his objective. I was able to get one of his but still lost my two for a minor loss. Whenever I break my focus into 2 it usually goes bad for my army list as I start losing synergies.
  • David and Cale are super technical. I was very impressed with their pre-measuring and understanding of threat ranges. They should do a video tutorial on it for sure.
  • ALL of my opponents had better looking armies than me! I wasn’t embarrassed by what I brought but these guys blew me away… along with most of the participants of the tournament.
  • I need more time to meditate on it, but my initial reaction to the one day tournament guys getting mixed in with the two day guys doesn’t quite seem right. I single bad matchup for a two day player against a one day player on Saturday could spoil the weekend.
  • I definitely need to bring a SoCal buddy with next year for the team tournament!
  • I didn’t sign up for much at Adepticon but do feel I missed an opportunity to spend time with the community by not staying at the hotel.
  • It was great putting Twitter handles to real names and faces. I met some guys I have had conversations with on Twitter and the TGA.

Adepticon was a blast. Every tournament I attend I learn something new about tournament play and gain appreciation for different scoring systems. I am already working on list ideas for next year.

Adepticon Age of Sigmar Championship results:

Greg Rex

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Looks like you had a fun time!

1. You mentioned making a sideboard, is that the second picture you posted? Did everyone make a sideboard just for painting score?

2. When you built your list, what was your general strategy that you thought about and what was your goal with the list you brought? It would be interesting to hear, especially with others that took mortal Nurgle lists talking about it on the forum.

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@Thundercake I updated my article to replace sideboard with display board, I must have had 'sideboard' stuck in my head as I was writing. The picture with the the army on a 2'x2' dark board with the green water running through it was the board I created. (The pictures are so big when they migrate to the TGA blog lol.) Some people, me included, created their display boards because it was part of Adepticon's soft score. Others created them because it is part of their hobby. From what I understand display boards have been a big deal in the midwest for some time. After creating mine I am certain display boards are now part of my hobby as well, whether or not their are part of a soft score.

My number one goal when creating my list was resiliency with damage potential with synergy from The Glotkin. With Mortal Nurgle you sacrifice speed, shooting, and mortal wound output. On the traditional 6 games from matched play this army performs very well holding objectives in my deployment zone and grabbing objectives midfield. What it is no good at is getting objectives in my opponent's deployment zone and having to split the army up. The Glotkin adds an extra attack to all units within 14". This gives my Blightkings a chance of  of rolling a 6 to hit rom 2.5 out 15 chances to 3.33 out of 20 chances. There is nothing better with this list than to roll 4 or 5 6's and watch them become 20+ hits, wounding on 3's, re-rolling 1's (Battalion ability). Once I lose The Glotkin's synergy my plans generally go down the toilet.

After playing this list for about 4 months now I will probably retire it. I am usually assured to get get a major victory as long as I don't have to move very far. Otherwise I grind out 5 battle rounds with a decent chance of getting a minor victory. If I want to place in the top 3 at a major event like Adepticon I need a list that can get a Major win every time I play.

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@GRex, thanks for the follow up. Display board makes sense! Coming from Indiana, I've made a few in myself. Thanks for talking about your list strategy as well.

Did you give any thought to replacing the warriors with a plagueclaw or lightening cannon for some range? Might help shift some enemy models off of the objectives you couldn't reach?

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@ThundercakeI have but I like using them as a decoy/tarpit. I focus The Glotkin's two spells Fleshy Abundance and then Mystic Shield on them. They go up to 3 wounds and get a 3+/5+ save. They are actually one of my faster units too. In my opinion I would consider dropping Bloab for lightening cannons. 

Edited by GRex
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I just played with the roster. It is VERY hard to keep The Glotkin and the Nurgle Rotbringer Battalion and take warscrolls outside of 'mortal nurgle' with out breaking the battline requirement. 

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On March 30, 2017 at 8:59 AM, GRex said:

After playing this list for about 4 months now I will probably retire it. I am usually assured to get get a major victory as long as I don't have to move very far. Otherwise I grind out 5 battle rounds with a decent chance of getting a minor victory. If I want to place in the top 3 at a major event like Adepticon I need a list that can get a Major win every time I play.

Did you see my Rotbringers/Mortal Nurgle list using the Plaguetouched Warband?  I ended up placing 10th but I was on table #2 during the last game at Adepticon.  It would allow you to use some of your current minis so you wouldn't have to fully start another force.

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@Thomas Lyons funny you ask. I just got done listening to Warhammer Weekly and when you described what your list did I thought it sounded a lot like mine. You even kind of confirmed it with David who I played game 2.

I don't recall seeing your army out but from what I remember from this week's episode you were running Sayl, 20 Warriors of Chaos and Blightkings in a Plaguetouched Warband. Buffing the large unit of warriors then launching them forward with Sayl. The ability to project a large block of super sticky warriors into my opponents line would definitely improve my list competitively. They cannot be ignored as they can take objectives but are almost impossible to clear out in 5 rounds.

Were you also running The Glotkin?

Also, I am leaning toward a list that is more mobile and has rend.

I love the show and thanks for the feedback!

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3 hours ago, GRex said:

@Thomas Lyons funny you ask. I just got done listening to Warhammer Weekly and when you described what your list did I thought it sounded a lot like mine. You even kind of confirmed it with David who I played game 2.

I don't recall seeing your army out but from what I remember from this week's episode you were running Sayl, 20 Warriors of Chaos and Blightkings in a Plaguetouched Warband. Buffing the large unit of warriors then launching them forward with Sayl. The ability to project a large block of super sticky warriors into my opponents line would definitely improve my list competitively. They cannot be ignored as they can take objectives but are almost impossible to clear out in 5 rounds.

Were you also running The Glotkin?

Also, I am leaning toward a list that is more mobile and has rend.

I love the show and thanks for the feedback!

I didn't have my army out for judging b/c I didn't have a board (b/c I didn't plan on even competing this weekend).  The list is: 

  • 140  Harbinger (Cunning Deciver Trait, Chaos Talisman)
  • 120  Mounted Chaos Sorcerer (Crown of Conquest)   
  • 540  28 Chaos Warriors
  • 60  10 Marauders
  • 60  10 Marauders
  • 60  10 Marauders
  • 180  5 Blightkings  
  • 180  5 Blightkings  
  • 140  Plaguetouched Warband        
  • 240  Belakor
  • 160  Sayl
  • 120  Reinforcement Points (Options Below)
    • 10 Plaguebearers (100)
    • 10 Chaos Furies (120)

No, I don't have Glottkin.  I did at one point in time, but over the past 6 months I've slowly come to realize that he's a trap.  The Harbinger is a much better general and Belakor does a lot more for his points comparatively. If I need something killed that is tough to crack, I throw Belakor at it and Belakor is a piece I can afford to sacrifice.  The same can't be said for Glottkin.  

I honestly think this list has the ability to compete with the hardest lists in the game currently.  I would highly recommend checking it out and giving it a test spin.  It has all the tools one needs with a couple left over.  I have a full write up of the synergies and tactics here.

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6 minutes ago, Thomas Lyons said:

No, I don't have Glottkin.  I did at one point in time, but over the past 6 months I've slowly come to realize that he's a trap.  The Harbinger is a much better general and Belakor does a lot more for his points comparatively. If I need something killed that is tough to crack, I throw Belakor at it and Belakor is a piece I can afford to sacrifice.  The same can't be said for Glottkin.  

I honestly think this list has the ability to compete with the hardest lists in the game currently.  I would highly recommend checking it out and giving it a test spin.  It has all the tools one needs with a couple left over.  I have a full write up of the synergies and tactics here.

Fantastic, I appreciate you sharing your list with me and greta blog post!

You are absolutely correct about The Glotkin being a trap. I typically have to chose to keep him out of combat to keep his command ability or commit him to my opponent's high save warscrolls. Once I lose him my damage output gets severely diminished. Without damage potential and lack of mobility I have a hard time grinding out victories with my current list.


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