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Painting Showcase - Wizards - Priests - Acolytes




I love collecting and painting heroes for Age of Sigmar and have amassed many more heroes than one would ever reasonably need for army selection. Recently I have been painting Age of Sigmar heroes with magical abilities. Be it Wizards, Mages, Priests or other spellcasters. I thought it would be fun to share my latest additions and also the rest of my collection.

The Alchemist and the Acolyte


I am currently working on a Hurricanum for the 'Age of Santa' tournament in December. While the Hurricanum has a little way to go, I did manage to finish off the crew already. These are fantastic sculpts by GW and it was too much of a shame to have them permanently glued into their carriage so I magnetised each so they could go on foot too (something I did with my Steamtank Pilot as well). I hope to play a narrative game in the future with these on foot, (perhaps escorting the acolytes to safety from a town under siege!)

The Slaughter Priest


This is my free Slaughterpriest from White Dwarf. I was over the moon to get this with the issue as I have been daydreaming about collecting a small Bloodbound force for a while. I was really happy with how he came out, especially the snow on the base which was made from mixing Baking Soda with PVA glue.

He was entered into the TGA painting competition and although I failed to make a splash, I was lucky enough to win a box of Gorechosen (thanks @Ben!) which is being worked on as I type this.



This model was also given to me for free, and it is one of my favourite sculpts from Island of Blood. The paint scheme was taken from an image search (which I often do if I find a good one). I wasn't too happy with my attempts to glaze the armour, but overall the finished model came out nicely and won me 3rd place on DakkaDakka's monthly painting competition.

Wizard Collection


To finish, here is my total collection of Wizards (so far). The Necromancer is sometimes used as an Amethyst Wizard (named Cornacaprious in my army lore; a Death Wizard slowly being corrupted by the necromatic magic of the book he carries). The old Alarielle is a great model despite the bad resin (unfortunately I did not straighten the staff before painting), which I often use as a Lore of Life wizard.

Moving forward I already have more wizards in the works. A Bretonnian Damsel (to again be used as a Lore of Life wizard) is on my painting desk now!

Thanks for reading! :) 

- bottle


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What a great collection of wizards! I've been following the work on Twitter and its great to see you with a blog here. My only comeback would be could you be bolder with your basing? Its neat and tidy, but not as impactful as the models!  Hopefully you'll put up some images of the finished army from Age of Santa. Taking such a lovely army should certainly get you an awesome Paint Score from the guys down there! 

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Lovely stuff. The choice of colours on each model is really good. I can see where Steve's coming from about the bases but would I'd say don't go over the top on them either, the models are nice and bright anyway.

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Thanks guys. I agree with Steve that my basing is very functional but nothing to rave about. I have been improving it with my newer armies (for example the snow base for the Slaughterpriest), but for my Order army I am stuck with grey gravel! I have been wondering how I can improve it without starting from scratch again (a lot of my Freeguild models were on square bases for 8th Edition Fantasy - I don't want to rebase them a second time.) Perhaps some Autumnal leaves? If anyone has any recommendations I am all ears :) 

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