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Painting Showcase - Hurricanum - Knights - Heroes




The last few weeks have been absolutely manic hobby-wise preparing for the Age of Santa event in Cardiff. As my second Age of Sigmar tournament loomed closer and closer I started to worry I had bitten off more than I could chew in terms of the amount of new models I wanted to bring. As it came to the final week, I even considered taking some models half finished - but no. I wanted to win 'Best Painted' deep down and so persevered. A couple of late nights and painting at my office desk each morning before work meant I managed to finish everything in the nick of time! 

In this showcase I present the new models I prepared for the tournament; My Hurricanum, Knights, a Battlemage and a Waywatcher. Thanks for reading! :D 



My new centerpiece and a potent force on the battlefield. I am very happy with the finished result. I am going to say this model was a nightmare to paint. I hate sub assemblies but the burning sun inside the spinning cage has to be painted before the cage can be glued on, and on the flipside trying to paint the library shelves inside the carriage was like playing a game of operation with the paint brush! 

As with my Steamtank I chose to magnetise the crew - not for any real game benefit but the models are absolutely gorgeous in my opinion and I wanted to be able to put them on their separate bases for Skrimish games and other fun scenarios. 



 As he is my new general, I need to come up with a story and name - so far I know I want him to be an Alchemist but the rest I still need to dream up :-) 

Freeguild Knights 



I don't consider my collection of Order models to be a single army, but instead a combination of smaller sets. These Knights are meant to be a set with my Hurricanum and I think together they look very striking on battlefield. I also wanted to distance these models from their historical look and make them more fantastical and suitable for Age of Sigmar. For that reason I decided to go all blue on the armour. I think it makes them look very unique and they no longer strike you as immediately being historical miniatures. 

Lore of Life Battlemage and Waywatcher 


The Lore of Life Battlemage is an old Brettonian Damsel but I think the colour scheme really gives her a new lease of life. I don't often deviate much from the GW studio paint jobs so it was nice to pull this off convincingly. I would say these two aren't my finest paintjobs ever. You can see they are perhaps a little rushed and as always green is still my weakest colour but I am happy enough with them. The Waywatcher is being used as the new 'Waywatcher' hero (replacing the old Waywatcher lord). 

Thanks for reading and I would love to hear your thoughts!

- bottle

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Wow, not sure how I missed these! :( You never fail to make me feel bad about my own painting ability! :D

My only real criticism would be that while beautifully highlighted you've chosen to leave most of the details on the body of the hurricanum and the knights' shield the same colour as the background they are on, but that's probably got more to do with the way I'm used to seeing studio models painted and is a pretty bold choice on your part.

The damsel's alternative colourscheme and the waywatcher are especially cool. Did you scoop best army in the end?



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Nice job on the Hurricanum - I painted mine recently and agree it was abit of a pain, especially the interior parts. Any plans for the Luminark or other Collegiate Arcane models?

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On 1/20/2017 at 1:18 AM, Double Misfire said:

Wow, not sure how I missed these! :( You never fail to make me feel bad about my own painting ability! :D

My only real criticism would be that while beautifully highlighted you've chosen to leave most of the details on the body of the hurricanum and the knights' shield the same colour as the background they are on, but that's probably got more to do with the way I'm used to seeing studio models painted and is a pretty bold choice on your part.

The damsel's alternative colourscheme and the waywatcher are especially cool. Did you scoop best army in the end?



Thanks, DM! Yes it was a choice to do everything blue, and maybe not one everyone will like! I liked the idea of both units being very very blue and thought the detail would like embossed as a result. :)

Didn't scoop best army, that was won by Ian Gilmore's utterly fantastic Nurgle army! I didn't stand a chance!

I would like to add a Freeguild General on Griffon this year and go for the GW red scheme - that should really stand out alongside the Hurricanum and the Steamtank to give me a solid trio of centrepieces in the army when I go to tournies :D 

17 hours ago, MasterM said:

Nice job on the Hurricanum - I painted mine recently and agree it was abit of a pain, especially the interior parts. Any plans for the Luminark or other Collegiate Arcane models?

Thanks for the kind words! I do actually have a little collection of Wizards which I posted in this blog post (linked below). What I do have planned moving forward is creating a Blanchitsu style ("AoS28" it's being called) warband for my Hinterlands Skirmish project. I am going to theme the Warband from Greywater Fastness so it's going to be a mixture of Ironweld and Collegiate, and I would like to give them all a drab and polluted look to represent the city.


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5 hours ago, bottle said:

Greywater Fastness

Oh nice, I decided my army was from Greywater Fastness recently, mostly necessitated by the volume of artillery in it and the fact everything's on a grassy base.



I'm quite keen to develop an official coat of arms/logo for the city if you've got any ideas!

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Oh wow, your army looks amazing! (Do you have a thread/blog with more pictures?)

It seems only fitting that the floating island is brought into the image somewhere. I have a flag in my handgunners unit but I was planning to copy the flag of Venice (which a rich crimson background) and I thought the gold and crimson would really stand out against the drab browns I was planning to paint the models in. (Also I recently went on holiday to Venice :P ).

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Thanks for complimenting the army, I was originally inspired to overhaul them for AoS after seeing your thread on Dakka. Only bad photos! I've got a new phone with a marginally better camera and should really use it as an excuse to getting around to starting a thread on the painting board showing my guys off.

Bizarrely, most of the banners and shields on my newer dwarf stuff are red and gold (well, red and Averland Sunset), so it seems I'm in good company. The few bits and pieces of Empire stuff I've got painted so far are in Averland black and yellow uniforms though, so I'm planning on doing a bit of background about them being a noble house/trading company with a slightly different colourscheme to the rest of the force.

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9 hours ago, Double Misfire said:

Thanks for complimenting the army, I was originally inspired to overhaul them for AoS after seeing your thread on Dakka. Only bad photos! I've got a new phone with a marginally better camera and should really use it as an excuse to getting around to starting a thread on the painting board showing my guys off.

Bizarrely, most of the banners and shields on my newer dwarf stuff are red and gold (well, red and Averland Sunset), so it seems I'm in good company. The few bits and pieces of Empire stuff I've got painted so far are in Averland black and yellow uniforms though, so I'm planning on doing a bit of background about them being a noble house/trading company with a slightly different colourscheme to the rest of the force.

Red and yellow we make it then! :) I am really happy to hear my original Dakka thread got you motivated. I hope you do get the chance to do some individual shots eventually - or even better would be to see them at an event!

6 hours ago, Grailstorm said:

Love the colour of the knights! What paints did you use, and how did you achieve it?

Thanks! I work from white undercoat and this was the method:

Basecoat: Stegadon Scale "Green"

Wash: Asurmen Blue (this is the old GW wash, a lot lighter then Drakenhof - I am currently sourcing a replacement and going to get my first ever none GW paint - Army Painter Blue Tone).

Highlight 1: Russ Grey

Hightlight 2: Fenrisian Grey

Highlight 3: Pallid Wytch Flesh (dotted only in the corners and sharpest of edges.

I hope this helps :D Stegadon Scale Green is my favourite paint to do blue from. Not sure why GW didn't call it Stegadon Scale Blue though...


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3 hours ago, bottle said:

Red and yellow we make it then! :) I am really happy to hear my original Dakka thread got you motivated. I hope you do get the chance to do some individual shots eventually - or even better would be to see them at an event!


I'll aim to get some shots up towards the end of the coming week. I'm currently beavering away on a couple of converted gyrocopters and a unit of miners for the Triumph and Treachery event at Warhammer World in March and beyond that would love to catch a narrative event sometime this year.

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