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G'day guys

After having struggled to find any time to paint during the second part of this week I finally found some around Sunday afternoon.  So I decided I would try something that I had never managed before. To paint a miniature in one sitting. 

Originally I had planned on painting my unit of Decimators next but having seen Lohke's awesome Darkoath Chieftain I was inspired to paint up my own Silver Tower model. The Knight-Questor.

The model is great fun to paint. Enjoyed it even though I got carried away whilst building him and forgot to paint him in sub-assemblies. So the decision to leave the inside of the cloak white wasn't purely aesthetical. 


Since I was restricted to poor lighting and my phone camera the other pictures I took of the back were blurry I discovered once back at my PC so decided against uploading those. The cloak is red though just like the leather straps. Kept the inside of it white, felt like a bit too much red if I hadn't.

Still undecided about the bases but I made a new test one and it turned out alright I think. Might actually get to finish all the bases soon enough.

Anyway, that's about it really. Hopefully I'll have some more time to paint this upcoming week. Looking forward to having a unit of Decimators on the table.

Until next time,





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Really nice edge highlighting.  I like that its not overpowering and so clean.  I usually stay away from edge highlighting cause mine gets on wiggly. Great model and color scheme.

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38 minutes ago, JokerLord said:

Really nice edge highlighting.  I like that its not overpowering and so clean.  I usually stay away from edge highlighting cause mine gets on wiggly. Great model and color scheme.

Cheers mate, appreciate the comment. Been thinking about making the highlights a bit brighter but maybe you're right. Perhaps less is more :)

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Yeah, I say keep as is.  I mean the models done by workshop lately have some amazing edge detail.  But to my eye they are too intense or glaring that I have a hard time appreciating the model from a more organic look.  Like the bulldog looking dragon that Gordrak is riding.  But that's just my opinion.

I think yours looks perfect.

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44 minutes ago, Lokhe said:

Yours turned out quite nicely too I'd say buddy :D I agree, the edge highlight is great! the way it is!

Tackar, tackar! Yeah, you guys are probably right. I'll keep it as it is, no need to change anything. Saves me a bunch of time as well not having to touch up what I have previously finished.

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